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Showing posts with label Book review. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Book review. Show all posts

Tuesday 26 September 2017


In continuation to my previous post about the fascinating novel, "Memoirs of a Geisha" by Arthur Golden, I wrote that I was going to do a comparison between the old time Japanese Geisha and the modern day Nigerian runs babe. My source for the modern day Nigerian runs girl I won't disclose. Sorry.

So, here are my observations...

From the book, the Geisha was either a girl child sold into slavery/ a legitimate girl child of an experienced and retired Geisha. This means that from the tender age of 9, that young girl has started her training to becoming a Geisha. She would be sent to a dance school which she would attend till even when she turns into a full blown Geisha. She'll also attend a music school where she learns to sing and play the "Sham..."  a stringed instrument like a guitar, to entertain her guests. She then attends another school where she learns to serve tea and drinks. And trust me, all of these lessons of the arts is not just to teach the girl comportment, carriage and manners, but to mainly groom her into building a sex appeal that can turn even the head of a stone. 

The modern day Nigerian runs babe on the other hand is also either a slave/a legitimate daughter with parents (dead/alive) who probably grew up in a normal or abnormal home but definitely not groomed by her guardians in the arts to learn the art of seduction. She probably went to school and learnt any other subject but not seduction. You see, this “Here” society sees that trade as a taboo.

Another observation I made is that, a Geisha's identity isn't a secret in the society because, they are all registered and, every tea house is aware of them and supports their trade. In fact, their earnings is calculated per hour by the Mistress of the house and the most popular Geisha charges the highest amount for her time. The good news for them is that, the entire society/town supports their trade because, everyone is a beneficiary to their trade and so the Geisha makes it a point of duty to be polite, friendly and generous to everyone she comes across else her trade could suffer from the spread of just one bad rumor against her.

On the other hand, the modern day Nigerian runs babe's identity is a secret. In fact, to the best of my knowledge, they guise themselves during the day as CEOs of one beauty/fashion business or the other and then in the evening, they set out to meet their client. But the thing is, not everyone benefits from their "sales" but just the weave, makeup and clothes/shoes/accessories merchant because, that's where most of their income finds rest. They need to keep up the look of sophistication and expensiveness so that their patrons would pay more. Some of them are polite while some of them are ... Really saucy. And then the saucy ones literally look down their nose when addressing people cos they feel too expensive to sneeze. This brings me to my next observation about the Geisha.

The Geisha's dressing is very conservative even though at that time, according to the culture of her trade, she would use certain colors like red as a collar to her kimono to show she's still an apprentice "a learner" or a white collar to show that she was now a fully experienced Geisha. OR, by revealing the upper section of her collar bone, to let on a bit of sexiness to the men who find that part of the Japanese's woman's body really erotic. For them, less means more!

While for the you know who's, oh lord have mercy; MORE is MORE! Reveal it! Flex it! Work it! Shake it! Twerk it while you walk! They believe. "Let the men drool as you walk!" they want. And that's how they do it when they set out to conquer the night. And some of them wear leg chains for identification too or a tatoo. On which part of the leg? I still haven't figured out that part yet. Some don't even wear the chains but their style is to go to every popular bar in town and inform the PR that they're available for companionship to any lonely (WEALTHY) man. Then they would tip the person and as well drop their contact. Most of them work the regular jobs with organisations but live the lifestyle of millionaires as they always want to be up to date with the latest rides, gadgets and fashion. 

*such stress* 

Another startling observation I made is that, the Geisha is never regarded as a prostitute but an entertainer who gets paid handsomely to help exhausted and bored men to relax and have a good time. The men never sleeps with them else they'll be seen as loose and cheap. The only man whom the society permits to sleep with her is her danna whom I explained about in my previous post. And they are only allowed a danna at a time because such a union is deemed sacred. Thus, the union could be a contract that'll last for maybe 6 months or a year and then they'll dissolve it. The danna's wife will be fully aware of this union too but won't be bothered cos she knows it's a custom everyone knows about.

Our Nigerian runs babe on the other hand probably sleeps with all of her patrons for good cash. Only a hand few are lucky to get "thanks for coming" without sex. And of course, they're seen as no entertainer but prostitutes or kept women. Their "danna" is referred to as "sugar daddy" and a "big" runs girl could have as many as 5-10 danna as she wants. For her, getting her needs met is paramount. So, she doesn't care. Also, her relationship with her sugar daddy could start or end unceremoniously at anytime, secretly of course. Who dash her liver? Lol. The man's wife could kill her and nobody will care.

Whew! My fingers ache from typing but, what's my point in doing this comparison anyways? I'm simply fascinated at how Arthur Golden has succeeded in making the life of a prostitute/kept woman really interesting, beautiful, and fascinating (just can't stop using this word). However, I have my own reservations about these two lives but I won't state it here. I will probably let it out someday on my YouTube channel, Frankly Speaking with Glory.

Right now, it's drooping eyes, tired fingers, an aching back and more clicks to go down on my keyboard another day. Hey! I'll love to read your comments. Fill me in on your thoughts below.
Don't forget to subscribe to my blog and my YouTube channel for more interesting reviews.


"Memoirs of a Geisha" by Arthur Golden gave me sleepless nights and threw my mind into a trance for a few days until I finished the book.
I must say, this is one of the best novels I've read yet about that part of the Japanese culture. The author's narrative technique, his style of implementing the power of visuals through apt imageries that made me continuously picture a Geisha through my mind's eye not only held me spell bound for days of the reading but also, enchanted me. I started wishing I could dress like one for just a few minutes and walk around the streets of Lagos to see if I could draw the same attention like Sayuri San did on the streets of Gion. I felt like I had met a long lost sister through her character (I absolutely still can't figure out why).
Sayuri San (while she was still a peasant)

Sayuri during her dance performance

Sayuri as a full blown Geisha

My God! Arthur Golden is a storyteller! I was completely lost and totally sold out to the book. However, what fascinated me the most, what completely marveled my sense of imagination was the fact that the life of a Geisha still exists in all it's true form, in this modern day. It exists here, live in Lagos! Geishas, be them the "Apprentice" or the full blown "Geisha" are the modern day "Runs Girls" you know.
The life of Sayuri San is the perfect example of the tale of the lives of some "runs girls" around us today but the amazing thing for me while reading the book is the clash of cultures; of the old Japanese and the, should I say Nigerian? well, I'll say modern day culture.
I was amazed to find out that Geisha's were highly respected and placed several classes above the regular prostitutes to the point that they had a structure which began with them belonging to an "Okiya" (a family by blood or by adoption mainly for the business). That way, they had some root of some sort in that society. And then, they had to be registered, trained for years at different art schools of dance, music, tea service and playing the "Strings". They were in fact groomed for the role and the young Geisha's virginity was sold to the highest bidder!
The Geisha could gain a bit more luxury if she succeeded in gaining the attention of a wealthy "danna" or "Sugar Daddy" as you may put it. They might end up marrying if the "danna" was single (rarely). If not, she was only a mistress to be stowed away, far from the man's family but known by his friends and associates as his jewel and recognized by the society as his mistress. Even the wife of the "danna" is aware! Because, the Union between the Geisha and her "danna" is celebrated as a ceremony, like a mini wedding!
Check out my next post as I'll do a  comparison between an old time Japanese Geisha and our modern day Runs girl.
What a world! What a book!

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