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Showing posts with label weekend. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weekend. Show all posts

Saturday 7 October 2017


If you belong to the category of people that wake up 4/5 am (or don't even sleep at all), rush out of the house by 6 am to beat the early morning traffic that naturally comes with every work day of the week (especially in our crazy Lagos), work your ass off at work till 9 pm, have to meet up with crazy deadlines, queries and clap backs, then you certainly NEED to CHILL.

To chill means to relax and relaxation is a state of mind. Once the mind attains that level, the body follows suit. Most of the time, the pressure to deliver, meet deadlines with the bosses or clients and also meet up to life's expectations could throw our minds into a galaxy of complications. However, the ability to restore decorum begins with us. 

Over time, I've come to understand that most people are so stiff necked and uptight about the idea of chilling. They feel like they're cheating themselves or probably the people and the needs in their life if they take a moment to breathe. Come on! Life's too unpredictable to not want to live it to the fullest. So, here are some tips on how to chill.
  • Make up your mind to want to relax.   
For some, this is a great battle. They're always the ones to complain about pressure, tiredness, fatigue, and then boredom. Say no to these harbingers of headache and get out of your head.

  • Try not to pick your house as the only place to want to relax 
Yes, I said so. The reason is, your house is your comfort zone which will only end up reminding you of the numerous tasks you have to accomplish the next minute. Fact is, you could draw some inspiration simply from  stepping out of your comfort zone and your mind will thank you for the brief moment of liberation. 

  • Mingle while you're out there. 
This one's for those of you who would go out to cool spots to chill and then start acting like you're in an oven. Oh please! Loosen up! Breathe! Don't give people the impression that you're a no-go area. You want to meet people, share ideas, thoughts on various issues and also network. That way, you might get more ideas and options on how to go about that tough project you've been working on, tips on how to impress that horrible boss as well as hit your targets.

  • Smile, laugh.
This is the part where you've got to smile and have fun. Laugh out all the pent up toxins plaguing your mind and exhale. Get rid of all the negative vibes you've accumulated during the day and over the week. 
  • Take Selfies! 
Now, a lot of weird people have argued that taking selfies are mainly for self validation and for people with low self esteems. Really? Hmm... I think I'll have to do a separate post about selfies. Anyways, take a selfie or more with your new found click. This is basically to remind you of how happy you looked while relaxing and having meaningful conversations with good people. It would spur you to wanna chill more.

After all of these, go home HAPPY and RELAXED. I bet you, you'll be looking refreshed the next time you step into your work place.

And hey! it's the weekend. Cheers to the weekend!

Question of the day; HOW DO YOU CHILL? Comment below and feel free to add selfies too.

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