Never judge a book by it's cover.
True value is not material; it goes way beyond the physical. It comes with experience garnered.
Showing posts with label EPISODE 11. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EPISODE 11. Show all posts

Saturday 23 June 2018



Annie still couldn't believe that she had finally gotten a job in Lagos. The once monstrous city had suddenly decided to be nice to her. Her parents were ecstatic when she called to inform them. Terry was indifferent and had gone on a motivational lecture on why she should continue stripping. He had made her see the difficulties she would continually face in terms of distance between her office and her home. She understood that problem quite alright and for the past three weeks, she has been struggling with waking up by 5 am, leaving the house by 6 am and resuming work by 8 am. Her Boss; Mr. Daren had told her that some days, she would be required to resume by 7:30 am and that had made her panic because they shared the same office space on the top floor of the building. The office was designed in such a way that Mr. Daren was in another inner office while she was positioned outside the main area. Neka's office was just the next door leaving both of them as the only occupants of that space unlike the other departments of the company that shared open spaces on each floor of the two storey building. This meant that she had to be on seat before he resumed work.

But she wasn't really worried, her salary was a consolation. Although, she always got home late, she was okay with the terms of the company which required her to undergo a three months probation first before she would be made a full staff. Her salary for the first three months would be eighty thousand Naira monthly then, if she was fully absorbed into the system, it would be increased to the actual amount she was due. She would also be entitled to other fringe benefits which the HR would disclose after the end of the three months probation. She loved their offer and was determined to work hard to become a full staff.

So, out of excitement, she had told her neighbor, Mama David. The mother of five had created an uproar in the compound as she ran out of Annie's room where she had gone to borrow matches and started shouting with joy to anyone who cared to listen that Annie had finally gotten a job as "second in command" on the "Island". The whole "compound" had been instantly filled with shouts of joy and songs of thanks as neighbors either left their soups on their kerosene stove or stuck their heads out of their one room apartments to join in the celebration.  Bros Zik had bought small stout for all the women and Star beer for the men. For them, it was a thing of achievement for an Ajegunle person to get a job with one of those "high flying" companies on the Island.

Annie had been embarrassed with joy. She had thought to herself, "look at these people, they don't even know me that well, yet, my joy is their joy". She had been overwhelmed with love and despite the fact that she nursed a deep resentment for her environment, she was thankful for the not so perfect people she had as neighbors.


Every morning posed to be the most mischievous. You never knew what awaited you on the highway. The wahala from all the mean yellow colored "danfo" buses always left you exhausted by the time you got to the office. The conductors were ruthless with their words and their curses when they found out that you didn't have "change" that early morning, could mar your entire day. So Annie made it a point of duty to always buy something from her neighbors who traded corn and fruits in front of the compound so that she could have change for the early morning rush.

On this particular Friday morning, she left her home by 5:45 am and was lucky to get to the office by exactly 7:30 am. She was happy she had taken that risk to have left home earlier than 6 am as usual. So as she got into the spacious office, the first thing on her mind was to sleep.


She tried opening her eyes but the sleep was just too sweet to let go. Then as she grew into consciousness, she felt another presence. Gradually, her senses awoke to reality and she perceived the familiar scent of  Hugo Boss which she had come to appreciate since the past three weeks but then, she knew she wasn't dreaming. Mr. Daren was around. She quickly opened her eyes and sat up to adjust the strands of her carefully wrapped natural hair but she saw him standing and watching her. She was shocked and ashamed and confused. She quickly glanced at the wall clock and realized that it was only 8 am on the dot. She noticed that he was still standing there so she greeted him as calmly as she could.

"Good morning Sir. I'm sorry I slept off"

He had a slight frown on his fore head as he studied her but he replied;

"Good morning Annie. Long night again?"
"Not really Sir. I got home late as usual" she answered then she quickly added, "but it's fine. I'm not complaining"

He nodded and turned to go into his office then as if remembering something, paused and called over his shoulder, "please come in for a sec"


Annie sat in front of her Boss and as usual, he took his time attending to some urgent emails before turning his attention to her.

"What time do you get home?" he asked
"9 pm Sir"
"Certainly that's really late?" he said with a raised eyebrow
"Honestly Sir, I'm fine. I just had to sleep today cos I got here by 7:30"
"Alright then. Let me know if you need anything" he said and together, they went through his itinerary for the day.


Annie was worried. This was the third time Mr. Daren had caught her sleeping in the morning. The first time had been the very first day she had resumed work. She had left the house by 5:30 am , gotten to work by 6: 30 am and had slept till 8 am only because he had woken her up himself. Ever since, she had resolved to find a balance in time management. Now, he had caught her again. So during lunch, she had called Terry for a brief chat cos there was always a rush hour on Fridays. He had agreed and had promised to pick her up after work.

She was surprised at his eagerness to see her and suspected that there was something fishy about his eagerness but then, she ignored the nudge. Terry's always been extra, she mused to herself.

Wednesday 1 November 2017


The moment Mila walked into the office that Monday morning, Simi was waiting for her with an expression of "spill the bean". Mila saw it and tried keeping a serious face but Simi saw through her pretense and dramatically drew out Mila's seat from under her desk for her to sit before rushing to pull her own seat. She sat looking at Mila expectantly while Mila pretended to be busy with turning on her system and checking her itinerary for the day. Simi couldn't take it anymore and disrupted Mila's obvious reverie.

"Alright! That's it! start talking Mila. Who was that that dropped you off just now?"

"What are you talking about?" Mila asked trying to feign ignorance

"oh no! don't do that. You just came to work this morning in a white range rover sports car, looking like a celeb,  with the driver acting all gentlemanly by opening the door for you and helping you out. Which Nigerian man even does that in this day and age?! And look at you. You're glowing!"

"Was that a range rover sports car? I didn't know that and how did you see me?" Mila said shaking with laughter already at the funny look Simi had on her face 

"Through the window of course" Simi answered laughing

"Wow! today of all days, Simi is punctual" Mila rolled her eyes then she said to Simi before standing up,

"Let's hurry to the cafeteria"

Simi immediately followed suit. They still had about fifteen minutes to gossip before the usual 9 am resumption time. They bought a mug of coffee each and sat down. Then to Simi's dismay, Mila took a sip of the hot drink, swallowed and then started.

"Do you remember Leo's friend from Zenbah?"

"yes. The one you got Leo's number from. I remember him. Don't tell me that's Tunji" Simi looked at Mila in awe

Mila nodded and answered "Yes that's him. I spent the weekend with him and he spoilt me silly."

"You biatch!" Simi shouted playfully "You literally spent the weekend at one of those fancy mansions on Banana Island with one of Lagos's most uptight but sought after bobo! Mila you've scored high." Simi was smiling triuphantly

Mila was amazed "You mean, that was Banana Island?" she asked 

"Yes of course. Didn't you know?"Simi was looking at her with a frown on her pretty face

"Not at all. I didn't even bother asking. By the way, how come you know all these and I don't?" Mila was sipping her coffee again

"Well, Leo and I have hooked up several times after I got his number again, thanks to you and I noticed Tunji's absence so I asked and he told me Tunji traveled. I asked him how come they always hung out together and he told me that they were best friends who lived close. Leo lives at Ikoyi too but not Banana Island." Simi drank her coffee as well and leaned in for more gist.

Mila nodded in understanding and continued. 

"That's cool" she paused then added "Oh Simi, I think I really really like Tunji. He's revived a part of me I thought I had lost forever"

"Isn't that a good thing? I'm really happy for you Mila. I mean, you should see yourself this morning, you look like you swallowed the sun. You look refreshed."

Mila smiled at that but said worriedly, "Thanks Simi. I really needed the rest but deep down, I just feel like something's off. Would you believe that all through the period Tunji traveled, he never contacted me. Not even once" 

she stopped talking to see Simi's reaction but Simi simply looked at her with a blank expression on her face and said,

"Mila, do you really like this guy?" Mila nodded then she continued, "Then you should be happy he came back to you and banged you real good till you had no choice but to glow. Cheers to the freaky weekend babe!"

They both burst into laughter at this and together, went back to the office. Monday turned out to be a  great day as Mila was lost in both her job and the memories of that weekend. Tunji made it sweeter by sending her two different messages at different times. The first was that he missed her and that made her wet her panties as those simple words turned out to be the magic words her body had been waiting for. The second message was that he would love to come take her out for dinner after work and she gladly accepted.


For the whole of  November  amd the first week of December, Mila and Tunji's affection for each other blossomed into a beautiful relationship that was made up of mutual understanding, respect and of course, lots of attention. Mila eventually got to understand that Tunji really, was a private person. He said little about his background and Mila never bothered him about it. He worked hard even when he had over two hundred employees to do the job. He also spoilt her with numerous surprises and every weekend, he brought her over to spend the weekend. Mila was happy and at peace with herself and the world. Whenever she looked into her mirror, she saw a new Mila looking fresher, unstressed, healthier, and happier.

On one occasion, she had dreamt that Nathan and her were going on a love stroll around the vicinity of his house and then, Kumbi had appeared from nowhere with his son in her hands beckoning to Nathan to come to her. Mila had held on tight to Nathan's hand but she was surprised when Nathan started walking towards Kumbi. She had tried pulling him back but he had struggled free of her grasp to meet Kumbi and they walked away leaving Mila standing there with tears streaming down her face. Nathan had turned back to look at her before they entered the house and the face she had seen wasn't Nathan's anymore but Tunji's. She had screamed in shock. That was when she had woken up. 

She prayed about the dream for the next two days against any impending evil waiting to destroy her relationship with Tunji. She even told her mom who had grown fond of Tunji about the dream and they had prayed together again. All will be well she assured herself but she wasn't so sure even as she tried believing it.

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Hey Guys!, Happy New Year to you all. I Just wanted to mention the best coffee place in Lagos, I just visited, called MyYa's Cafe @ ...