Never judge a book by it's cover.
True value is not material; it goes way beyond the physical. It comes with experience garnered.
Showing posts with label Tunji. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tunji. Show all posts

Wednesday 22 November 2017


Mila knew she was defenseless against Lily because Lily was taller, older and more vicious. She had the look that said that this wasn't the first time she was doing this and for her, it was a good sport. As Lily lunged at her, she had picked up the first object she laid her hands on; a small perfume bottle and when She threw it at Lily, it hit her on her forehead. The impact of the hit was heavy on Lily as it made her stagger, she had to hold the edge of the bed to regain her composure. That gave Mila the opportunity to rush to the door, swipe her key card and run out.

She ran down the stairs, grabbed her phone from the couch and remembering that she was half naked, dragged the small duvet she had used earlier to watch movies around her. She was about rushing to the door when she felt a sudden yank on her hair that pulled her back and she gave a pained scream. Lily, seeing that she was having the upper hand tugged more on her hair and Mila fell to the floor. She sat astride Mila and hit her face hard with a punch that got Mila weak as she cursed hotly under her breath,


Lily tried to pin both of her hands down but Mila who had regained a bit of her strength twitched frantically both with anger and fear. Lily was enjoying Mila's struggle and thus played along laughing excitedly. When she spoke, she sounded exhilarated.

"Is this how you play hard to get with Tunji when he wants to have you Mila?" she giggled

"Get off me!" Mila shouted, trying to push her off

At that point, the door opened and Tunji walked in looking exhausted but the exhaustion on his face was replaced by shock, irritation and anger. He flung his attache case aside and rushed up on Lily shouting.

"Jesus Christ Lily! What the hell are you doing?!" he dragged her off Mila and pushed her away then he tried helping Mila up but Mila was too weak to stand. He carried her up and gently went to place her on the couch before turning his full attention on Lily.

Tunji was enraged and he took long swift strides to Lily where she stood against the white walls. He punched his fist into the wall and shouted angrily,

"What was that all about? How did you get in here? I thought I warned you never to step foot in this house?!" he was glaring at her, trying to control his thoughts of inflicting pain on her

Lily looked shaken but composed herself like she wasn't bothered about his rage. She moved up to him seductively and said coyly, with her right hand on his face.

"I was only playing with her but she took offence baby"

Tunji was so mad at this that he pushed off her hand and shouted in her face "Does Mila look like a toy to you?! Does everyone look like a toy to you?! What makes you think you can just go around "playing" with people, huh?!"

Lily was scared now cos she had never seen Tunji lose his temper over anything. She went mute and couldn't talk but Tunji wasn't done yet. He shouted at her again.

"Answer me Lily!"

Lily was flustered and gabbled when she spoke, "Look Tunji, I..I..I just wanted us..."

Tunji moved a step away from her and with his left hand, he pointed to the doorway and said,

"Now take your horny self and leave this minute. There's no us anymore Lily. The divorce's been finalized and I've got the papers here. You'll get yours in the US. It's over Lily. No more games"

Lily looked defeated and made another attempt to touch Tunji but he stepped back and said calmly this time,

"Leave Lily. And listen, you'll never ever try this again with Mila, with us. Is that understood?"

She nodded and turned to leave but Tunji called her back and stretched out his hand.

"The keys"

Lily handed over the cards and like a zombie, she walked out. Tunji walking behind, locked the door and checked his security box to ensure that all other doors were locked. Then, with realization dawning on him of what had happened and what could have happened to Mila, he took unfaltering steps towards her, bent down and carried her in his arms. As he climbed the stairs, he murmured to her words of assurance that she was safe with him. Mila was mute and still in shock at the events of the evening. She held on tight to Tunji and closed her eyes, trying to blank out thoughts of possibilities or eventualities.

Tuesday 14 November 2017


Mila's reunion with her parents was beyond emotional. Her Mom especially who had been busy all day preparing a variety of delicacies for her couldn't allow her tiredness to stop her from expressing her joy. She held on to Mila in a lengthy hug that got her Dad laughing. He had warned her not to stress herself with the cooking as the Mila he knew wouldn't eat even a portion of the food but she hadn't listened. True to his words, Mila didn't eat. She had gotten home a few minutes before seven and was already feeling the jet lag setting into her bones. She really needed to sleep and wished that she hadn't told Tunji to pick her up by 8. She quickly gave her parents the goodies she bought them, conversed with them for about twenty minutes and then retired to her room. She turned on the heater in the bathroom first before undressing so that she could drench her bones in the hot shower.

As she stepped into the shower, she allowed the hot water to pierce her scalp. She had worn wigs all through her stay in London and so, it was easier for her to soak her hair in the water. She stood there brooding about her impending meeting with Tunji. In a few minutes time, he would come pick her as she had requested. Was she ready for this? Wasn't she cutting him too much slack? Wasn't she being too easy on him? Wasn't she giving him the impression that she had missed him which was why she had called to see him? Was she being hasty? Because she knew the answers to these questions, she closed her eyes and chanted her New Year's resolution in her head again and again as she allowed the water to wash off her doubts and her fears.


She had just finished blow drying her hair when her phone rang. It was Tunji and he had arrived. She wore on a simple white Boubou gown made of silk with her hair falling around her shoulders. Then she picked up her phone, wore a fluffy slipper and left the house to meet him outside. She told her parents she needed to get to the Pharmacy for some aspirin and would be back shortly because if she told them her intention, they wouldn't allow her see Tunji. Curtsy of her Mom, her Dad was aware of what had happened between her and Tunji. Not the full gist but, just that they had a lover's rift.


She saw the familiar white Range Rover Sports car parked beside the gate and the familiar silhouette of Tunji inside. She didn't rush forward to the car. Somehow, she found herself rooted to the spot staring at the car. Then Tunji on seeing her, immediately got out of the car and in four long strides was in front of her. He reached out to pull her to him but Mila raised her hands in defense against any form of physical contact with him. She wasn't ready for that just yet.

"Please, don't touch me" she said with a little quaver in her voice

Tunji nodded with a deep sigh of relief at finally seeing her and disappointment that he couldn't touch her. Then he asked;

"Where would you like us to go Mila?"

"Anywhere we can talk in private but please, not your house" she replied and walked towards the car leaving him standing there.

Tunji slowly walked to the car and turning on the ignition, he drove into the night.


They were at the Wheatbaker Hotel in a room that looked like a mini flat. It was pure luxury in and out and Mila couldn't help feeling relaxed because, the ambiance was helping to calm her stretched nerves. They were sitting opposite each other in the living room of the hotel room with a low table in between them.  Mila had refused Tunji's offer of food or drinks except for a bottle of water. She didn't have any appetite at all for food and she needed a clear head to tackle this irresistible bundle of temptation sitting before her. He looked like he had lost a few pounds; not like he was fleshy at all. He looked stressed and he had a little stubble of beards growing on the sides of his face. Tunji never allowed his beards grow around his face save for around his mouth. He was wearing a white V necked polo T shirt and black jeans with white sneakers. His hair was a bit grown and he hadn't bothered to cut it. But he looked sexier in a rugged kind of way and it made Mila uneasy. She tried looking relaxed, angry, uncaring and unfeeling. Any emotion at all that she could find in her emotional bank to show that she didn't care that she had put him through hell would help her to be focused on the issue at hand right now.

Tunji was looking her directly in the eyes with his elbows resting on his knees and his chin on the back of his hands. His unwavering look made her uncomfortable and he knew it because, he noticed that she couldn't meet his gaze. He searched her face for an expression, anything at all that would assure him that the familiar Mila was in there somewhere but she looked cold and unfeeling. That shook him a bit but he wasn't deterred. He would make things right. He exhaled through his nose before saying,

"You look more beautiful than ever"

She didn't reply

"I've missed you terribly Mila"

Still no response from Mila

"I'm really sorry about everything Mila" he tried again

"What do you want from me Tunji?" Mila asked in a small voice she couldn't recognize as hers

"I want you back" Tunji said stretching out a hand to take hers but Mila shrank back and he retreated

"You've been married all along and you never said a word. Why did you do that to me?" her voice quavered

"Mila, I never planned to hurt you in any way. I'm sorry"

"Just shut the fuck up with the apologies and answer me! Why didn't you tell me you're married?" Mila screamed at him. She was glaring at him and shaking with rage now. She started crying. Hot tears she thought she had finished shedding streamed down her face and even when she put her hand to her mouth to stop the sobs that followed she couldn't control herself.

Tunji was shocked and pained. He had never seen this side of Mila and it scared him as he wondered how deeply he had hurt her. Had he lost her forever? he wondered. He held his head in his hands for some minutes as he tried pulling his chaotic thoughts together. He felt his heart burn as he watched her cry then he got up and went to her. He tried holding her but she pushed him away and her crying increased. That got to him and he forcefully held her in a tight hug that even when she struggled to be free of him again, she couldn't so she stopped and instead, snug into him as she allowed him comfort her.

"It's a long story Mila but I'll tell you all about it. I promise, no more secrets" Tunji said and he held her that way until her sobbing subsided.

Mila let him hold her much longer. She was tired and weak. All she wanted was the truth even if it would hurt her. She was ready now to hear the worse.

Monday 13 November 2017


Coming back to Nigeria was sort of huge relief for Mila. No doubt; she had had fun and enjoyed being spoilt by the first class hospitality of the Cokers especially from Simi and Bode but somehow, she longed for Lagos. She longed for her job as well for in her job, she found solace. If she threw herself into it's intensity, she might succeed in getting her mind away from all of these plaguing thoughts about Tunji. She still hadn't read or even replied his messages. She still wasn't ready to. She already knew what he would say.

He would say that he was sorry for hurting her. His apology would not be for not telling her that he was married, it would be for getting caught in the act of being deeply in love with his wife. He would be explaining himself from so many angles but it would all still bore down to one thing; he was married. And, there was no point in listening to whatever he had to say cos it wouldn't lead anywhere. It wasn't like he would leave his wife for her and the good Lord knows that that wasn't what she wanted. No way! She wasn't a home breaker and has never planned to be one. What happened with Nathan was a mistake but with Tunji, it was complete naivete and stupidity on her on part.

How naive could one be at the age of 25? Why didn't she ask Tunji the right questions? He was a 36 year old CEO with everything any human could ask for to live a comfortable life. Why did she ever think that he wouldn't have a girlfriend, fiancee or wife somewhere? "Oh Mila, you got served" Mila pinched herself for the hundredth time. She looked out the window of the aircraft, enjoying the beautiful display of the clouds gathered together as if acknowledging her return home. She looked down just as the pilot was announcing that the plane would land in fifteen minutes. Mila shuddered with dread at what lay in store for her. She tried reciting her new year resolution; something she never took serious. She shut her eyes and chanted it like a mantra over and over again as the plane took it's descent, "get over Tunji Jacobs and move on". 


She arrived the Murtala Muhammed International Airport, at about 5 pm Monday evening. The airport was crowded as throngs of people kept moving at a fast pace to either book a flight or catch their flight. It was the perfect scene of an organized chaos. Mila understood this; it was the Lagos style. Even when there's no rush, people just find themselves rushing naturally. "My Lagos, I have missed you" Mila mused to herself as she checked out her luggage and headed towards the parking lot.

She had called her mom before leaving London to inform her of her coming home so she hoped the usual Lagos traffic would be merciful enough to allow her get home early. Thankfully, she found a cab. She turned on her phone and scrolled through her social media apps. There wasn't anything serious going on save for the New Year festivities still ongoing. Then she moved on to her Whatsapp messages and replied Simi's, Bode's and some other people's messages, most of them New Year's wishes for her. She still had about fifty messages from Tunji she hadn't read.  "What's the worse that could happen if I read his messages?" she thought to herself. She took a deep breath before opening Tunji's chat and it said;

Dec. 15, 2015

Mila, I can explain
What you saw isn't what you think
Please, just take my calls

Mila, I'm so sorry, I never ever meant to hurt you

Please take my calls

I heard you collapsed. Please, I want to see you.
I need to see you Mila
I need to know you weren't hurt

I'm outside your house right now and the gate is locked. 
Please let me in.

I'm still here Mila. I'm not leaving anytime soon. (1:00 am)

Mila, I'm sorry.
Atleast, allow me in.
I have to see you and be sure that you're alright.

It's 2: 00 am now. Please, take my calls

Dec. 16, 2015

Hey Sunshine, I hope you're well. 
May I come see you today?

Please, let's meet. 
I have a lot to tell you

Mila, please talk to me

I know what I did was horrible, but at least give me a chance to explain myself

I need to talk to you Mila

She paused as she felt the tears stinging her eyes then she read on. They were many so she quickly scrolled through some then she slowed down on the rest.

Dec. 25, 2015

Merry Christmas Mila.
I was at your place yesterday and your Mom told me you traveled with Simi 

Where are you?

Dec. 28, 2015

I'm in London right now Mila. I came with Leo but Simi's refusing to allow me see you.

Mila, who's Bode?
You've refused to talk to me or even see me and now, you've moved on with someone else?
Please, talk to me...

Jan 1, 2016

Mila, I've searched for you in most of the hotels around but none can identify you.
Leo just told me you're at Simi's.
Please send me Simi's address so I can come meet with you or meet me at Radisson Blu Edwardian Heathrow Hotel.
That's where I'm lodged.

Your silence is killing me Mila
I'm sorry about everything
All I ask for now is to see your face again and make things right with you.

I'm not giving you up for anyone Mila
I'm not letting you go

Jan 4, 2016

I'm at the Heathrow airport. I'm heading back to Nigeria now but I'll wait for you there

I know I messed up Mila but at least, give me a chance to see you and talk to you.

I love you Mila
I'll wait for you.

Mila was crying by the time she finished reading Tunji's chats. She was tearing up with so many emotions at the same time. She was angry, sad, and happy. She was angry that Tunji had come search for her in London and Simi and Bode had refused to allow him see her. They hadn't even told her that he was around, she was so pissed. But, she won't blame them cos they were only trying to help her through her healing process. She understood what they had done. She was sad that she had put Tunji through so much stress. No matter what he had done, she still loved him and didn't wish to make him feel just as miserable as she felt. She was happy because, he had gone out of his way to go search for her in London. He had mentioned that he loved her and would wait for her but was she ready to see him yet? She wasn't sure of anything anymore but she'd take her chances.

She clicked on Tunji's profile and dialed his number. He picked on the first ring.


"Where are you?" she asked without the usual curtsy

"At home. I need to see you Mila" Tunji said sounding weak

Mila melted at the sound of his voice. She exhaled slowly before saying,

"I'm on my way home from the airport now. Pick me up by 8 pm" then she hung up.

She would hear whatever he had to say when they saw each other.For now, she needed to strengthen her defenses against any impending distractions to their conversation.

She closed her eyes again and continued chanting her New Year's resolution;

"get over Tunji Jacobs and move on". 

Monday 6 November 2017


She had started rummaging through her closet the moment she returned from Church, looking for the perfect outfit to wear to Simi's send forth party later in the evening. Most of her clothes were work clothes and corporate dinner wears but thanks to the "Boyfriend", her wardrobe had improved a lot. She found several new party wears she had never really worn cos, Tunji just kept buying them. Whenever they went out and he saw something he felt would look good on her, he would buy it so most of the time, she would suggest they stayed indoors or go for dinner where there wasn't a nearby mall.

Her shoe rack was another space that had been greatly affected by Tunji's Midas touch. To go with the clothes, he had also bought her some fancy shoes and she loved that they weren't work shoes. He had gotten her a pair of Christian Louboutine's brownish nude Iriza heels, Jimmy Choo's black ankle strap heels, a Schutz Kitty pearl stiletto heel that had a fancy fringe dangling from one of the straps and a Victoria Secret's perfect pumps in blush. She removed a bag from one of the drawers in her wardrobe and smiled. She had invested in a new hair wig. She loved the 24 inches wavy one she had seen at one of those expensive shops Tunji had taken her to shop for clothes and she had gone back on her own to buy it. She had gotten it for a hundred and fifty thousand Naira and had been waiting for a day to rock it.

Tunji loved her natural hair which was long, rich in texture and black. He would always say that her hair had flesh and blood. So, because of him, she had given more attention to her natural hair because, whenever they were together, he would run his fingers through her hair and would sniff the sweet oil she applied regularly to her scalp. So today, she would rock her human hair because, Tunji wouldn't be around and she was curious to see how she would look with something that expensive gracing her head. She looked through her jewelry case and noticed that, save for the jewelries Tunji had gifted her, she didn't even have a collection of her own she could boast of. What a life of luxury Tunji had introduced her to; she wondered to herself. With that thought running through her head, she slumped on the bed to rest her aching back. A short nap would do her a lot of good.


At exactly 7pm, Mila woke up from her long nap and immediately dashed into the bathroom. The party was to start by 8 and she was supposed to be there at least thirty minutes earlier to assist Simi with whatever was left of the arrangements. She showered and brought out her makeup box. Today, she was going to glam up and have fun. She took extra care with her makeup by  creating a cut crease, light smoky eye look, with a bit of golden glitters on her lids. Then she used her favorite lip stick; a peachy nude with a bit of gloss smeared on it to perfect her glow. Satisfied with her face, she immediately requested for a cab online before going ahead to wear on the dress she finally selected. It was a sleeveless pearl coloured body con gown that settled a bit below her knees. It had slits on both sides that went from under her arm to her waist, enhancing her slight curves.

She sectioned her natural hair in two, weaved it all back and then wore her wig. She was shocked at her glamorous look as she adjusted the wig to a side parting on her head. It looked so natural and she loved it. Even Simi wouldn't recognize her. She wore one of the simple gold bracelets Tunji bought her on her left wrist, wore her gold studded  earrings, two plain knuckle rings on her right fingers and a simple gold choker that had a single extended chain that fell to her chest. Then she wore her Christian Louboutine's brownish nude Iriza heels because they were comfortable and classy. Finally, she wore on her Channel Coco Mademoiselle perfume, picked up her gold clutch purse and left at the beep of her phone that her ride had arrived.


COVA was bursting with activity already even by the 8: 30 pm when Mila arrived there. She started calling Simi to let her know that she had arrived and when Simi picked, it was so noisy, she couldn't really hear a thing. She had to send a text to Simi, asking her to come get her from outside the door. She loved the music that was playing now and couldn't help but move to it's rhythm and at that point, Simi opened the door and saw her. They both screamed in excitement at seeing each other. Simi looked as beautiful as ever in her black play suit that had a long slit at the back down to her waist line, revealing her smooth fair skin. She had on her luxurious weave as well and black strap up heels. She looked gorgeous but her attention was on Mila.

"Wow Mila, you look stunning! You look so different" she said in amazement

"Mila giggled excitedly ''Well, thank you! I'm also surprised I could pull this off"

"And to think that you've been hiding that gorgeous body beneath all those jeans and hard materials..." Simi continued, looking surprised. She just couldn't belief that Mila could look this hot.

Mila was laughing now and had to stop Simi from flooding her with compliments. She said,

"Okay Simi. It's your day. How about we go in there and pop all the drinks like we just don't care!"

They both screamed again in excitement and went into the crowded hall.


Drinks flowed, the music was cool and thrilling, the MC was giving shout outs to everyone that was either celebrating a birthday, a promotion or something else, their colleagues were having a good time, the Shisha pot never burnt out as it was continuously refilled, the "Asun" kept flowing in and the atmosphere was charged. She had danced with Simi for a while  but Simi was now with Leo and was giving him a lap dance at a corner of one of the seats. Mila had socialized with all of their colleagues that had come through for Simi, had turned down a lot of dance offers from the swarming guys that kept staring at her and she had to escape to the upper section of the area they were using for the party. There, she leaned against the rails of the roof top spot that looked out to the streets of Idowu Martins. She experimented with the Shisha and found that she loved the flavour. Then she continued taking intoxicating drags from the pipe.

Her eyes were closed and she was enjoying the moment. Then she opened her eyes gradually and then fully cos she had seen something that caught her interest.

First, she saw a beautiful woman. She looked white but she wasn't. She was a Nigerian that looked white. She looked so beautiful, with a flawless skin. She had on a straight blonde weave that looked like it were natural, a black chiffon shirt gown that stopped above her knees, revealing her perfect long legs and a natural makeup that looked like she wasn't wearing any makeup at all. She was obviously married as on her ring finger, she had on an expensive looking diamond ring that Mila could swear cost a fortune. She was slim like a model and tall; at least two inches taller than Mila.

Mila sighed with longing for Tunji as she noticed that the woman's spouse held her protectively while leading her to sit adjacent to Simi's party at a table with "RESERVED". She couldn't really see the spouse's face but it was obvious that they were deeply in love as he helped her to sit comfortably, bent down to kiss her fore head and then her lips before leaving again to probably order for their drinks. Mila kept staring at the woman. She looked too beautiful to be true and as if noticing that she was being watched, she looked up from her phone across the space at Mila and smiled like she was used to the attention. Mila smiled back and waved.

She was about turning to her shisha pot again when she saw the woman's spouse returning. At first, she couldn't see his face because of the precarious disco lights turning here and there in the room. But when he finally settled into his seat, he sat facing Mila but unlike his wife, he didn't seem to notice Mila staring. He had taken her hand in his and brushed her knuckle with a kiss. He also had on a wedding ring that looked pretty expensive too. Then their drinks arrived and as he poured it into their glasses, he conversed with his wife.

Mila had a feeling they were talking about her because, the man kept stealing glances in her direction but neither could see each other. Then finally, the white part of the disco light fell on their corner and everyone could see everyone's face. It was like a moment of revelation as at that point, Mila saw squarely that, the said spouse was Tunji, her own Tunji Jacobs. She was so shocked that she dropped the shisha pipe she was holding together with her glass of drink. Apparently, Tunji had seen her as well and had spilled the drink he was holding on his white shirt.


Mila didn't know how she had gotten home but when she woke up on Monday afternoon, she took some sleeping pills. She wasn't ready to wake up just yet. Maybe if she slept more, she would wake up back to the evening she had first approached Tunji. She probably wouldn't have bothered being a hero then. She probably wouldn't have even met him. She probably wouldn't be facing another day of trying to figure out what Tunji, who was supposed to be in the US  since Thursday, was doing with another woman; HIS WIFE! at COVA yesterday.

For now, sleep is just the best therapy.

Saturday 4 November 2017


The second week of December started on a good note.The ACE Group had a lot to celebrate. They had finished all their projects for the year and Mr. Duke's mood was infectious. Usually, they closed for the year few days before Christmas because of the workload but this particular year turned out to be one of the best out of their 10 years of existence cos the annual target had been met and all that was left was for the staff to clear their desks and attend just two meetings to discuss the company's achievement as well as the expectations from the different departments for the next year. Most people were familiar with this protocol and so didn't see it as anything that'll be tedious. What everyone was really looking forward to was the bonus package. They would receive double their salary, dinner with management in a five star hotel to celebrate their achievements, as well as exchange of gifts among themselves and of course, a Christmas party.

Mila was happier cos this would be her first time experiencing all these with the company and to crown it up, she would have a partner to bring along to all the celebrations and for the first time, she won't be celebrating Christmas without a boyfriend. She sighed with contentment as she was clearing her desk and taking records of all the tasks she had completed for the year. 

Simi on the other hand had completed her 6 months internship and had been offered a job at the company but, she had refused to stay because, according to her, she wold travel to the UK to visit her Mom and her siblings and then pursue her dreams of becoming a CEO in whatever business venture that caught her interest. However, the company had given her a send forth party but she had planed another major one for herself at COVA. It was to happen that Sunday and the cards were out already. She strolled over to Mila in her usual seductive way of walking and Mila couldn't help but smile when she noticed Simi. She had to voice out her thoughts.

"If there's one thing I'm going to miss in this office about you Simi, it's the way you've turned this office into your personal run way. Girl, you really know how to work it!"

Simi giggled and then replied "honestly Mila, I'll miss the stares and the attention. But, I know I'll get more in the UK."

Mila laughed and shook her head fondly "you sure will"

"So Madam, do me a favour, please don't get too carried away with your lover man this weekend and then forget to attend my send forth party. I'll sue him if that happens" Simi said with a mock serious face

Mila flushed a bit and then hurriedly replied "Oh no! that won't happen. In fact, we'll come together." on seeing the frown on Simi's face, she added, "I promise"

"Nice!" Simi said excitedly before excusing herself to go talk to the other staff as that would be her last day in the office.

Mila decided to call Tunji and give him a heads up about Sunday as it was Wednesday already. She dialed his number but it was busy. She dialed for the second time but it still showed busy. So she decided to wait for him to return the call. He was probably busy as usual.


Mila was home already from work and was continuing her novel, "Pillars of the Earth" by Ken Follett. She had neglected the novel since she reunited with Tunji cos they were together most of her spare time. It was about 9 pm when her phone started ringing and she smiled at the caller ID that showed "Mine". She had changed Tunji's name to "Mine" while he called her "Sunshine". She picked up.

"Hello Sunshine!" Tunji's rich baritone boomed from the other end

"Hey Mine!" Mila giggled 

"I'm sorry I didn't take your calls. I had an emergency board meeting that went on for hours. How are you?"

"I'm alright Tee. Hope it's nothing serious?" 

"Well, not really. It's just... Are you home already?"

"Yes. Is everything alright Tee?" curiosity was eating up Mila  already

"Yes absolutely. I just want to see you" 

"That's not how you sound when you want to see me Tee. What's going on?" Mila sounded serious now and Tunji knew she wouldn't let it slide except he told her the truth so he gave in.

"Alright Sunshine. The thing is, I'll be travelling tomorrow morning but I'll be back before the new year. I just need to fix up some things in the states before the year runs out."

Mila wasn't happy about this but she had to accept it cos, he had to take care of things as the man that he is didn't he? She sighed and said;

"Okay. Just come around instead"

Tunji sighed with relief "Alright Sunshine, I'll be there in a bit" then he hung up.


When Tunji arrived, Mila opened the gate to the compound for him to drive in. He parked and got out of the car to hug her. She looked fragile in her one piece white nightie and her flip flops. Tunji held her head to his chest while his other hand went around her. Mila inhaled the sweet sent of his white shirt. He rarely wore suits but when he did, he had this air of the serious, no smiling CEO. But she liked him that way too.

They hadn't seen the previous weekend cos he had been busy but they had had dinner on Sunday and had been communicating as usual but Mila felt empty all of a sudden. She had hoped to spend Christmas with him and now, he was travelling. This really wasn't  nice to hear at all.

Tunji as if hearing her thoughts held her away from him to look at her before saying;

"I'm really sorry Sunshine, this one's beyond me at the moment. I'll be back before the New Year, I promise"

"And I was thinking of flaunting you at Simi's send forth party on Sunday, my company's dinner next week Wednesday and then the Christmas party on Friday. Now, I'll be single for another two or three weeks" she complained sulkily

Tunji laughed at the baby face she had made and then drew her back to him. Then he led her back to the car and opened the door for her to sit before going around to sit on the driver's seat. He leaned in closer to her and inhaled the  scent of her hair before saying;

"Now I feel bad. So many events for my little miss sunshine and I'll be missing all of it. I don't even want to think about the many greedy sharks that will be looking at you there in my absence. I'll make it up to you Mila"

"How?" she asked solemnly

"Don't worry. I'll surprise you" he said with his mouth already on one of her ears. 

He nibbled on the lobe and then trailed the outline to the her neck with his tongue as his hands went up to her already alert nipples. Mila was weak. They hadn't made love again since after the first time she went to his house. Tunji wasn't a sex freak but he loved teasing her like this every now and then, lighting up her desires and then quenching them quickly again. This time, she wouldn't let him do that to her again. 

She turned to face him and kissed him weakly at first, and then, deeply as if trying to store  up as much of him in her as she could, for Christmas. She allowed her fingers to move around his face, tracing his fine features,  his low cut wavy hair, his chest and then she whispered, with her voice thick with passion, 

"I want you Tee. Right here"

Tunji was surprised despite his incoherent thoughts "Are you sure?" he asked 

"yes, please..." Mila answered.

Gently, he detached himself from her and turned on the CD player. Then, Ed Sheeran's voice slowly seeped out of the stereo as he sang UNI from a selected songs collection. Tunji turned off the lights in the car and was surprised when he felt Mila's hand on his crotch. She unzipped his fly and looking at him through the darkness of the car, she she brought one, two then three of her fingers to her tongue, licked them erotically and then slowly laid one on the cap of his hardened maleness. She circled the tip and the surrounding flesh with light touches, still looking at Tunji to see his reaction. Tunji had leaned back with his mouth half opened, enjoying the maddening sensation that was building up in his system.
Mila continued teasing him as she gently and lightly massaged the sides of his maleness and would go back to circle and rub the cap. Then she shocked Tunji by taking him in her mouth. He was huge but she loved the thickness of him so, using her tongue, she pleasured him the way he had pleasured her. She drank from the little spurts he released to her thirsty mouth and with his grans spurring her on, she released him, stood up and sat on top of him, with her back facing him. She didn't want him to cum just yet.

She raised up her nightie and felt his hands on her breasts; fondling and caressing her hardened nipples. His lips were working their magic on the nape of her neck, throwing Mila into a frenzy. Moving her undergarment aside, she paved way for Tunji's eager maleness. They both paused for a second as each felt the other's territory opening to welcome a much missed friend.  

Mila was lost in the throes of passion as this was a first for her. Tunji was shocked at this other side of Mila. He was used to the reserved Mila who was an epitome of everything innocent. This wasn't innocence taking control of his senses and riding him erotically at all. This was a woman that had needs, cravings and yearnings that needed to be satisfied and he loved this part of her he was just discovering. He loved that her moans were driving him wild. He loved that she was past the point of caring if her parents would find them out. He loved that she was in control and truly exercising her powers over his body.

So he let her be in charge, doing her bidding, holding her where she led his hands, touching her where she whispered and kissing her when she turned to look at him. Mila held on tight to the steering wheel. She could feel the rush like an urgent pee, scurrying and spreading all over her. She held on, trying not to lose her balance from the explosion that was coming. She jerked as she felt Tunji jerking as well then they both found their release. They held on to each other for a while to catch their breath then at that point, Ed Sheeran's voice died down on his "Kiss Me" track that had been playing then.

Tunji turned on the dim light of the car and looked at Mila in awe, then he said

"What came over you? You just took advantage of me and I totally loved it." they both laughed lightly, then too tired to talk more, Tunji held Mila closer to him. They stayed that way for a bit; enjoying their even breathing  then, he whispered into her ears;

"I'll miss you Mila, but I'll be back before you know it"

She felt the tears sting her eyes and when one fell on her cheek, she answered

"I'll wait for you"

Wednesday 1 November 2017


The moment Mila walked into the office that Monday morning, Simi was waiting for her with an expression of "spill the bean". Mila saw it and tried keeping a serious face but Simi saw through her pretense and dramatically drew out Mila's seat from under her desk for her to sit before rushing to pull her own seat. She sat looking at Mila expectantly while Mila pretended to be busy with turning on her system and checking her itinerary for the day. Simi couldn't take it anymore and disrupted Mila's obvious reverie.

"Alright! That's it! start talking Mila. Who was that that dropped you off just now?"

"What are you talking about?" Mila asked trying to feign ignorance

"oh no! don't do that. You just came to work this morning in a white range rover sports car, looking like a celeb,  with the driver acting all gentlemanly by opening the door for you and helping you out. Which Nigerian man even does that in this day and age?! And look at you. You're glowing!"

"Was that a range rover sports car? I didn't know that and how did you see me?" Mila said shaking with laughter already at the funny look Simi had on her face 

"Through the window of course" Simi answered laughing

"Wow! today of all days, Simi is punctual" Mila rolled her eyes then she said to Simi before standing up,

"Let's hurry to the cafeteria"

Simi immediately followed suit. They still had about fifteen minutes to gossip before the usual 9 am resumption time. They bought a mug of coffee each and sat down. Then to Simi's dismay, Mila took a sip of the hot drink, swallowed and then started.

"Do you remember Leo's friend from Zenbah?"

"yes. The one you got Leo's number from. I remember him. Don't tell me that's Tunji" Simi looked at Mila in awe

Mila nodded and answered "Yes that's him. I spent the weekend with him and he spoilt me silly."

"You biatch!" Simi shouted playfully "You literally spent the weekend at one of those fancy mansions on Banana Island with one of Lagos's most uptight but sought after bobo! Mila you've scored high." Simi was smiling triuphantly

Mila was amazed "You mean, that was Banana Island?" she asked 

"Yes of course. Didn't you know?"Simi was looking at her with a frown on her pretty face

"Not at all. I didn't even bother asking. By the way, how come you know all these and I don't?" Mila was sipping her coffee again

"Well, Leo and I have hooked up several times after I got his number again, thanks to you and I noticed Tunji's absence so I asked and he told me Tunji traveled. I asked him how come they always hung out together and he told me that they were best friends who lived close. Leo lives at Ikoyi too but not Banana Island." Simi drank her coffee as well and leaned in for more gist.

Mila nodded in understanding and continued. 

"That's cool" she paused then added "Oh Simi, I think I really really like Tunji. He's revived a part of me I thought I had lost forever"

"Isn't that a good thing? I'm really happy for you Mila. I mean, you should see yourself this morning, you look like you swallowed the sun. You look refreshed."

Mila smiled at that but said worriedly, "Thanks Simi. I really needed the rest but deep down, I just feel like something's off. Would you believe that all through the period Tunji traveled, he never contacted me. Not even once" 

she stopped talking to see Simi's reaction but Simi simply looked at her with a blank expression on her face and said,

"Mila, do you really like this guy?" Mila nodded then she continued, "Then you should be happy he came back to you and banged you real good till you had no choice but to glow. Cheers to the freaky weekend babe!"

They both burst into laughter at this and together, went back to the office. Monday turned out to be a  great day as Mila was lost in both her job and the memories of that weekend. Tunji made it sweeter by sending her two different messages at different times. The first was that he missed her and that made her wet her panties as those simple words turned out to be the magic words her body had been waiting for. The second message was that he would love to come take her out for dinner after work and she gladly accepted.


For the whole of  November  amd the first week of December, Mila and Tunji's affection for each other blossomed into a beautiful relationship that was made up of mutual understanding, respect and of course, lots of attention. Mila eventually got to understand that Tunji really, was a private person. He said little about his background and Mila never bothered him about it. He worked hard even when he had over two hundred employees to do the job. He also spoilt her with numerous surprises and every weekend, he brought her over to spend the weekend. Mila was happy and at peace with herself and the world. Whenever she looked into her mirror, she saw a new Mila looking fresher, unstressed, healthier, and happier.

On one occasion, she had dreamt that Nathan and her were going on a love stroll around the vicinity of his house and then, Kumbi had appeared from nowhere with his son in her hands beckoning to Nathan to come to her. Mila had held on tight to Nathan's hand but she was surprised when Nathan started walking towards Kumbi. She had tried pulling him back but he had struggled free of her grasp to meet Kumbi and they walked away leaving Mila standing there with tears streaming down her face. Nathan had turned back to look at her before they entered the house and the face she had seen wasn't Nathan's anymore but Tunji's. She had screamed in shock. That was when she had woken up. 

She prayed about the dream for the next two days against any impending evil waiting to destroy her relationship with Tunji. She even told her mom who had grown fond of Tunji about the dream and they had prayed together again. All will be well she assured herself but she wasn't so sure even as she tried believing it.

Monday 30 October 2017


Mila tried getting up from the bed and realized that she was stuck. She tried reaching for her bedside alarm clock but it wasn't there. She tried reaching for her phone as well but it wasn't there. She almost panicked when she felt warm breath on the back of her neck, strong arms and legs wrapped around her and she had to turn around to figure out her environment. She sighed with relief when she saw the familiar handsome face of Tunji sleeping peacefully. Then she recalled the events of the previous night and felt her face go hot. She raised her hand and touched his face, trailing his rich full arched brows to his eyes, his straight nose, and then his peach colored lips. She leaned in, planted a light kiss on his lips and then gently untangled herself from his embrace.

She removed her phone from her hand bag to check the time. It was 7 am. They had slept late cos they couldn't have enough of each other. She smiled at the thought of the things they had done. Tunji had exposed her to some parts of her body she never knew had existing nerves that could be triggered into ecstasy. She saw 10 missed calls from her parents and immediately sent a text saying that she took a night cap at a friend's place then she took Tunji's shirt from the couch where he had dropped it, put it to her nose and inhaled his sent. She felt intoxicated by his scent then she wore it and left the room to tour the house. She moved towards the window which started from the floor and went all the way up, opened the curtains slightly so as not to wake Tunji, then she took in the beautiful view of her environment. Does this place really exist in Nigeria? she asked herself. Where were they? she wondered as she left the room.

She went into the hall way and was struck by the 3D wall designs. They looked like tall trees and when she traced the designs down the stairs, she discovered that it was the concept of a garden except that everything was white. The living room was spacious like a dance studio save for the massive 170 inch flat screen TV that looked like it was built into the wall, a red and white 7 sitter sectional sofa with some comfy foot rests in front of the TV, a glossy gold chandelier hanging high from the ceiling, there were so many other black and golden little ornaments that were placed here and there, giving the room the feel of sophistication.

Mila stared open mouthed. She hadn't noticed all of these the previous night. There were two doors on each side of the room. She opened the first and saw that it led to a pool side. Gosh! the pool was massive with about 4 white curtained tents like those she had seen in one of those Dubai pictures. Then she went back inside to look for the kitchen. She found it and was amazed by the simplicity that defined the richness of it. It was white as well but everything from the the cooker to the cabinets, the huge standing refrigerator and the appliances, were a golden brown. How did he do all these? she wondered aloud. Everything looked so classy and neat.

She left the kitchen and went back to the living room but then, something shiny caught her attention from one of the fancy half wall shelves. She moved towards it and saw that it was a gold plated photo album with Tunji's name inscribed on the cover. She opened it and saw a brief note about the owner written in italics, on the first page. The contents of the note made her smile. It read;

"Although, Tj doesn't like photos, I'm sure that's because he knows that he's a handsome devil" 😉

Mila was about flipping to the next page of the album when she felt Tunji's hands come up to her breasts from behind. She was startled at first but smiled when he kissed one of her ears. 

"Good morning" she said shyly as she put her hands on her neck.

"Good morning my Mila. Did you sleep well?" he asked with his rich baritone voice while nuzzling her neck.

"Yes" she managed a whisper cos his lips on her neck was sending delicious tingles all over her. She threw back her head to rest on his chest so she could feel him more but then, she remembered she still had questions. She just couldn't let him off the hook that easily. So she gently detached herself from him and because she was still standing by the half wall shelf with Tunji really close, there was little room for her to make more space between them so instead, she turned and faced him. He had on just his little boxer with the rest of him bare. She looked away not to be distracted before asking;

"Tunji, I really need to know why you left for that long without contacting me"

Still surprised that she had detached herself from him, he sighed before answering,

"I've called my cook to come over and prepare breakfast. What would you like to drink first?"

Mila was dumbfounded. Did he just openly ignore her question? She tried again,

"Tunji, I asked a question. Please answer me"

Seeing that she wouldn't let it go, he answered "Mila, I'm sorry I left for that long and didn't contact you. I was caught in the middle of a work crisis. I thought I could resolve it in a week but it took that long"

Mila didn't understand how such a crisis could prevent someone from calling. She wasn't satisfied with that and she probed on.

"First of, you told me you were into finance and I discovered that you are the CEO of an oil and gas company with branches in Lagos, Abuja and America. You should have mentioned that Tunji. And second, I don't see how a crisis could have prevented you from calling or texting me for the whole three months and one week"

Tunji looked trapped but he hid it by going on his knees and looking up to her submissively. That weakened Mila's resolve and she felt defeated. She couldn't win this she admitted to herself. Tunji however made another attempt to redeem himself.

"Mila, remember I told you of how guarded I was with people, especially women coming too close to me. I'm a very private person that's why I didn't mention my occupation in details. If we had had several more dates, I would have mentioned it eventually. As for not calling you, I'm sorry. Thoughts of you tormented me but , circumstances wouldn't allow me contact you. I had to come look for you immediately I returned yesterday"

"hmm...I was wondering how you knew where I would be at that time" Mila said already giving in to his plea

"I had gone to your place straight from the airport but your mom told me you hadn't returned from work. I decided to check you at work. I'm so sorry Mila. Please, punish me as you wish for my crime" he pleaded

Mila looked down at his face and smiled. Oh Tunji, what do I do with you now. She tried pulling him up but he got up himself and gave her a look that said that he was awaiting her instructions. That cracked her up and she started laughing. He smiled and said with a mischievous look; 

"I'm waiting Mademoiselle Mila. Anything, just name it" 

Coyly, Mila tiptoed and whispered in his ears

Tunji smiled knowingly and lifted her from the floor. She giggled happily as he carried her up the stairs and into the bedroom. He put her on the couch and winked at her before disappearing into the bathroom. It was a huge bathroom with a large tub. He turned on the heater and the tap, added some drops of Jo Malone Orange Blossom bath oil and one ball of lush sex bomb bath bomb for bubbles and to set the mood. When he saw that all was set, he went back into the room and gently undressed Mila. He led her into the bathroom and into the tub. The aromatic fragrance that had filled the bathroom had a strong effect on her senses and she found herself dizzy with want. Tunji seeing that he had successfully executed her request for a soothing bath, undressed and joined her in the tub for the twist she had requested to go with the bath.

He got in behind her and using circular motions with a foam sponge, he washed her body. Mila had rested her head on his chest with her eyes closed and was enjoying every touch. Then she felt something in between her thighs, something she had come to grow familiar with. She let out a soft cry of pleasure as she felt Tunji's fully hard maleness slip into her slowly. She held on to the sides of the tub for support as she felt a first thrust that shook her entire being. Tunji too, lost in the moment and the wetness of her female, held her close to him and slowly continued his trip to discovering her essence. Together, they found their release but stayed on in the tub, whispering sweet nothings to each other and forgetting about their growling stomachs.


That weekend was the best weekend in Mila's adult life. They had gone out later for breakfast, movies, shopping, and then the beach. In the evening, they had gone to Radisson Blu hotel to eat at the water side and listen to the live band play. Sunday was better as they had stayed indoors, cooked together with Tunji's chef around, they had done a make shift cinema in the house and then danced to some cool jazz music.

She still left the album open on the shelve in the living room as they had been too occupied with each other for her to remember going back to close it. Thus,  Tunji dropped her off at work on Monday morning. He had bought her work clothes and shoes to change into as he didn't want her to leave that weekend. And so, Mila kept thanking her stars for bringing Tunji back to her.

MyYa's Cafe - The Best Coffee Place in Lagos, Nigeria

Hey Guys!, Happy New Year to you all. I Just wanted to mention the best coffee place in Lagos, I just visited, called MyYa's Cafe @ ...