Never judge a book by it's cover.
True value is not material; it goes way beyond the physical. It comes with experience garnered.
Showing posts with label Cross Over. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cross Over. Show all posts

Sunday 31 December 2017



I think I'm beginning to love Christmas. I'm loving the feel of being pregnant, I'm sort of happy with the fact that Jeff is here lying beside me in a deep sleep. Somehow, I'm loving the feel of being engaged not just to some random man but to Jeff Oku. He totally fits the picture. Okay; not the successful picture now but, he is my perfect match. He knows me completely and no matter how many times I've pushed him away or been cruel to him, he still comes back loving me harder than before. I remember once I quarreled with him for no reason as usual. That day, I asked him to leave my house at about 2 am in the morning. He left and showed up the next day at my office after work hours, asked my driver to take my car home and waited until I finally agreed to go with him. He had taken me home, prepared me dinner and we had moved on like nothing happened.

Several times, I have tried to make our relationship all about sex so there won't be any strings attached but Jeff had managed to escape that. He always knew how to fill up every moment with something. I thought I would never have any need for him but now, as I look down at his face sleeping peacefully, my hand moved up to my stomach and I'm filled with overwhelming joy cos I know now that this is right. My being pregnant is the best thing to have happened to me at this point in my life and what's more special about it is the man with whom I'll be raising this big bundle of joy that God has blessed me with.

Jeff will be the best Dad ever. If he can tolerate my excesses and accept me for who I am no matter how horrible I've been to him, then he can nurture our child to be as kind, loving, caring, thoughtful and gorgeous as he is. How lucky can one get? No, I'm blessed. There's my family; Mom, Tinu, Darey, my aunts and relatives, all of whom are great people. They're extra but, they are amazing. I am so blessed.

I still haven't told Jeff of the pregnancy yet so as I watched him turn on the bed with his arm searching for me, I took it and placed it on my stomach. He slowly opened his eyes and when he saw me, he smiled. I laughed and said,

"Hey... searching for something?"
"Hmm, you of course" he replied as he kissed my hand on his
"I love you Jeff Oku" I said

I felt him stiffen in shock but he relaxed almost immediately. I understood the reason and smiled. You see, for the five years I have known Jeff, I have never used that phrase except now. He sat up and brought his face close to mine.

"Say it again... please..."
"I love you Jeff" I whispered

He sighed heavily with relief and drew me into a warm hug.

"I love you more" he said
"I know and that's scary. Why do you love me so much Jeff? I mean, you can have any woman you want yet, you choose to remain with a hard nut like me." I asked

Jeff leaned back. He looked away and the next things I heard made me weak. 

"Lola, I was once like you. I was really mean to girls. I knew I had the looks, the wealth and all so I really used it to the detriment of the ladies that wanted my affection. I had fun doing it. Then I met you, I was stoned the moment I saw you and was bent on having you at all cost. But I never knew I was in for a bumpy ride. All of your meanness only made me love you more. You weren't like the other ones; you were strong with a mind of your own, you were successful, never needy, and you took what you wanted when you wanted it.

All you did to me was exactly what I was doing to those other women in my life. At some point, I realized I couldn't let you go, no matter what cos no matter how bad we fight, I still saw in you the woman I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. It was like you had bewitched me to punish me for my crimes and I was ready to take it all so long as you were mine. So you see, I've got a story too"

I felt guilty all at once "Jeff, I'm so sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I had trust issues and I wasn't ready to let anyone in so I built my defenses high enough to ward off any ounce of affection. I'm so sorry. One day, you'll know my story too"

He took my face in his and said seriously, "Listen Lolly, everyone has a story to tell and I don't care how bad yours is, all I care about is you. The you I see now is enough for me. I don't need any more conviction"

With that, I knew I had to tell him about the pregnancy. I took his hand again and placed it on my stomach without leaving his eyes. I circled the little bump down there with his hand continuously while he looked at me with a confused expression. Then realization dawned on him and he laughed.

"This is unbelievable!"
I laughed too as I nodded in affirmation "It is so real Jeff! I'm almost three months gone"
"And I've been wondering what's come over you ! I should impregnate you every two years so you'll be this mushy all the time"

That cracked me up and I hit his head playfully,

"You're so silly Jeff"
"I know!" he exclaimed still surprised. "Thank you Lola. You've made my wish come true. I promise you, we'll be so happy" he said and lay his face on my stomach as if in supplication then he asked,

"Can I touch you though? I've never made love to a pregnant woman before. I'll love to try now"

I giggled and pulled off my nightie. I had nothing underneath and that made things easier but slow, sweet and passionate.



We were back from church and the moment we all got out of our cars, Mom made the big announcements to my aunts and the shouts of joy was so loud that it got the attention of nearby neighbors including Mama Ireti. Yes about her, she has been MIA. Her children came to visit so she had been fully booked with no time for her regular dose of gossip but tonight, we all gathered outside the compound for the fireworks that the estate usually organized. As the fire crackers went up the skies letting out powerful explosions, we all screamed "Happy New Year". We hugged and kissed and congratulated each other for seeing a new year alive, well and together in love.


It hasn't been a terrible 12 days has it? Though, it had started on the wrong foot but it has ended in blessings, more love and peace most importantly. I'm definitely looking forward to another 12 days of Xmas with my family; both old and new of course. Till then, Happy New Year to you as well.

MyYa's Cafe - The Best Coffee Place in Lagos, Nigeria

Hey Guys!, Happy New Year to you all. I Just wanted to mention the best coffee place in Lagos, I just visited, called MyYa's Cafe @ ...