Never judge a book by it's cover.
True value is not material; it goes way beyond the physical. It comes with experience garnered.
Showing posts with label Simi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Simi. Show all posts

Saturday 11 November 2017


Mila was  kidding herself when she thought that her trip to London would clear her head. The trip did her a lot of good as she was able to heal gradually but thoughts of Tunji still plagued her thoughts. Simi ensured that they engaged in a lot of activities that also involved her siblings. They went on a tour to the famous Tower of London and when Simi saw the nostalgic look on Mila's face, she took her to the Coca-Cola London Eye for a roller coaster ride hoping that it would shake her out of her misery. Simi also ensured that her elder brother Bode, spent a lot of quality time with Mila.

Bode was a 30 year old Medical Doctor who was already four years in practice. He had taken a liking to Mila the moment he saw her. According to him, she was like a fragile bird that needed to be taken care of and he wasted no time in volunteering to keep Mila company whenever he was available. Mila liked him as well more especially because, even though he is a quiet person, he talked a lot to her when he noticed her brooding.

On Christmas eve, Mila called her family and when she heard each of their voices as her siblings had converged at her parent's, she broke down finally. She missed them, she missed Nigeria and she missed Tunji terribly. Tunji had sent her more messages on Whatsapp but she had refused to open them for fear of what she would see. No doubt, the temptation to read them came mostly at night when her eyes refused to close but instead, she would put her phone far away from her. She had initially deleted his number from her phone but his digits were still stuck in her head just like he had left his imprint on her. She was scared by the mark of his love and betrayal.

She still couldn't understand how she had never gotten any sign at all that he was married. His house was clean of any feminine touch, his room was all masculine and his cook was male. He didn't live a complicated life that showed that he had any female influence whatsoever. So, where had his wife been all along? Is it that they weren't living together? Was she in the US? What could have made them stay apart that period? Mila kept racking her brains about these things.


It was Thursday, the night before New year's eve and Simi had gone to meet up with Leo who had come into town the previous day to see her. So, Mila was in her room alone that evening. She had nothing to do as usual. So she lay on her bed, flipping through a magazine absentmindedly. She heard a knock on her door and went to open it. There stood Bode, looking handsome, dark and really tall in his black outfit, gray muffler wrapped around his neck and his black boots. He smiled at her fondly and said;

"What are you up to Mila?"

Mila smiled back weakly. She knew Bode knew the answer to that question already so she shrugged and he shook his head as he laughed and said again;

"Okay, dress up. We're going to see the fireworks. You surely don't want to miss out on that do you?"

Mila shook her head as she smiled back and replied,

"I'll be out in a moment"

She went back into her room, closed the door shut and started dressing up. She wasn't sure why but she was glad Bode had come to take her out. She was desperately in need of a fresh start for the new year. As she dressed up, she wondered what surprises the new year had in store for her. She was going back to Nigeria on Sunday and back to her reality. She prayed silently that things will turn out well.


As they stood looking up at the fire works, Bode took Mila's gloved hand in his and squeezed it reassuringly. Then he asked her to do something significant. He asked her to make a wish and as Mila closed her eyes, she wished for the impossible.

Wednesday 8 November 2017


She was standing outside Tunji's house and for some weird reason, she refused to press the door bell. She just stood there staring at the door. Then she heard footsteps; coming not from inside the house but from around the corner of the house. She turned to look and saw Kumbi in a black chiffon gown that stopped above her knees with a blonde weave that looked like her natural hair. She turned and started walking away but Kumbi's wicked laughter filled with scorn turned her walk into a run. She could hear Kumbi shouting behind her,

"Bitch! you'll be a side chick all your life!"

She didn't stop running. She continued as fast as her trembling legs could carry, then her legs buckled. She tripped on something and fell flat on her face, then she woke up with a start, panting heavily.


Mila was sweating profusely even in her cold room. She looked around to be sure of her environment. Once assured that she was in the safety of her room, she removed her phone from under her pillow and switched it back on. She had switched it off to avoid calls from anyone, especially Tunji. She wasn't ready to face the world, or him just yet. She checked the date on her phone; it was still Monday but it was 9 pm already.  The beeps on her Whatsapp were deafening and when she checked, there were 50 messages. She saw chats from Simi, about twenty from Tunji and some of her colleagues. She didn't open the others except the one from Simi. Simi's message read;

"Sweetheart, I hope you're okay. Everyone's worried sick about you. You line's off and no one can call you. Mila, you passed out cold! I still can't understand why cos, one minute you were right there at my party and the next minute, we found you at the door way of COVA. What the hell happened?! 

I'll be  at yours  by 9:30pm. See you later love."

Mila shut her eyes, tightly closed. She didn't want Simi to come, she didn't want anyone to come around her just yet. She wanted to wallow in her misery alone and beat herself thoroughly for allowing this evil befall her a second time. She had been too carried away with Tunji's care and attention for her that she had failed to ask the pertinent questions that would have at least helped her define her relationship with him. He hadn't particularly lied to her but, he had omitted that simple most important information that he was married. Not just to a woman but, a goddess for a woman.

Seriously, what was wrong with his wife? She looked like the embodiment of all a man could ever ask for. Why did he cheat on his wife with her? Why did he put her in that position of the side chick? Where had the wife been all those times when he brought her over to the house to spend the weekend with him? Why didn't he ever mention the wife? Why did he keep assuring her of his affections for her if he was still deeply in love with his wife?

Mila kept asking herself so many questions she couldn't answer. She curled up on her bed as again, her phone started vibrating. She checked to see if it was more Whatsapp messages but this time, it was "Mine" that was calling. He called five times but she didn't pick and the sixth time Mila lost her temper and screamed as she grabbed the phone with anger and threw it at her door. Simi ducked as it was at that time  that Mila's Mom and her opened the door. The phone hit the side of the door and fell to the floor but it kept ringing. Mila was screaming wildly now.

"Shut up! Shut the fuck up! You truth omitting bastard! Shut the fuck up!"

Simi and Mrs. Bassey; already scared at the sight of Mila, stood still warily at the door in shock. Mila looked scary with her wig still on her head but all ruffled up like she had been engaged in a crazy fight, she had on just her black panties and a white cropped top. Her makeup was smeared all over her face making her look like one of those zombie teens in a horror movie. Their heart melted when Mila looked in their direction with realization on her face that they had witnessed her brief moment of madness. She crawled down from the bed to the floor to her pick up the phone.

Simi immediately bent to pick it while Mrs. Bassey rushed over to Mila on the floor and hugged her. The sobs that followed came out in heavy gasps as Mila's body spasmed violently. Mila couldn't breathe, she opened her mouth to try to but instead, hysteric wails came out. Simi couldn't comprehend the scene before her but Mila's disorientated state brought tears to her eyes as well and she too knelt beside her and simply put her hand on Mila's hair, straightening the waves into place. The room was silent save for the sound of  Mila's sobs and they stayed that way, allowing her to have her moment of purgation.


Mrs. Bassey had left the girls to go and prepare some hot pepper soup for Mila. Mila hadn't eaten all day and her mom was bent on shoving some food down her throat rather than allow her starve to death. They stayed in silence for a while, each lost in their own thought. Then Simi broke the silence,

"Mila, what did Tunji do to you?" she asked softly

Mila sighed then shook her head in self pity before answering "Tunji is married and he never mentioned it."

Simi was shocked "No way! Leo would have said something. How did you know?"

Mila shrugged and answered "He was at COVA yesterday with his wife. He probably didn't know that your party will be held there"

"Oh shit! No wonder you had passed out. Thanks to Chucks and David from the Production department, they were the ones that had carried you to my car when we found you. We didn't even know when you left. I had to call your mom to get your home address" Simi said with a faraway look.

Mila was touched "Thanks Simi. I don't know what I would have done if you weren't there"

"Oh Mila, I'm so sorry this happened. It's all my fault." Simi said looking guilty

"Don't do that dear. Don't blame yourself. It's not your fault at all. It's my fault. I should have known that a successful, handsome, young man from a Royal home like Tunji couldn't be completely single. I was just too myopic to see the possibilities. I got carried away with the romance" Mila said feeling drained again.

"I'm gonna be so pissed with Leo. He should have mentioned it at least. What the hell is wrong with men?!" Simi was furious now.

"Do you know what even baffled me?" Mila asked Simi who shook her head clueless

Mila continued "Just on Wednesday of last week, he told me he was travelling for an urgent business meeting to the US and then yesterday, he shows up with this gorgeous woman who looked like she had been bathed in affluence all her life. I felt so small Simi" 

"What was his reaction when he saw you?" Simi asked trying to figure out where she had been when it was all happening

"He was shocked as well. I noticed that he tried coming after me when I stood up to leave  but, his wife stopped him. I mean, he's got some nerve. Now I know why he traveled for over three months without contacting me. He was probably still here in Nigeria, with his family. Oh Simi, I don't even know if he's got kids!" Mila felt her head throbbing with pain and head it between her hands

Simi was livid with anger as she asked "Where was I when all these was happening?"

"Oh Simi, never mind. It's happened we can't change all that now. I just wish I had never met Tunji. Like, this is the second time this is happening to me in two years already and the stupid nightmares just keeps coming. I feel cursed!" she exclaimed

Simi quickly took Mila's hands in hers and tried to comfort her "Shhh Mila. You're not cursed. The guys are just too blind to see what a beautiful soul you are. And believe me when I say that you're an amazing woman. Anyone would be lucky to have you" she finished and smiled affectionately

Mila felt the tears again on her cheeks. She was overwhelmed with so many emotions she couldn't describe and as much as they were, she felt empty. Simi made another attempt to cheer her up. Her face lit up with excitement as she swirled an idea in her head.

"I just thought of something Mila. Let's go away together. My flight leaves by 2 pm tomorrow and I've packed already before coming here. What do you say?"

Mila's head shot up, surprised. She hadn't expected that. She had never traveled out of Nigeria before but she had done her international passport immediately after her NYSC just in case the opportunity presented itself.She had always wished she could travel to Dubai to feed her eyes and shop and stroll along the beautiful streets but she was yet to get her wish. She didn't even know the cost of flight tickets but she had heard that they were quite expensive. She looked at Simi to see if she was joking but she wasn't.

"That's a great idea Simi but, I've never ever traveled out before, I don't even know the cost of the ticket, I don't know the procedures at the airport, I don't have where I'd stay when I get there and what about my parents, my job?"

Simi smiled like she already knew these questions would come " I'll take care of everything. Remember who my Dad is? Why should he be wealthy if I can't milk him as I want? You'll stay with me in London. My Dad's house is a mansion over there with enough rooms to house fifteen people. Just take it as an early Christmas present from me to you"

"Gosh Simi! I can't allow you spend your hard earned money that way. I'll ruin your holiday with my gloom!" Mila argued

"Come on Mila! You only live once! You won't be ruining anybody's holiday. In fact, this will be an opportunity for you to get away from all this drama for a while. Work is over for the year to resume in the second week of January remember? I even sent Mr. Duke an email earlier today telling him that, you were sick and might not show up today and tomorrow. He said no problem since there was nothing to be done in the office except the festivities. Your remunerations will be paid to your account. As for your parents, we'll talk to your Mom now. I'm sure she'll love the idea. About the money, just let me handle it. Now all you have to do is shut up, go fish out your international passport and let's start packing for a great London trip." with that, she left to go look for Mila's Mom.

Mila was surprised. This is just too much to take in. So, Tunji had to break her heart for her to travel abroad for the first time. Life is just one hell of a comic theater. She got up precariously and headed for her closet. Her phone started ringing again and she picked it up to see that "Mine" was still calling. She ignored it and when back to the task at hand.

"You only live once Mila" she echoed Simi's words to herself again and again.

Monday 6 November 2017


She had started rummaging through her closet the moment she returned from Church, looking for the perfect outfit to wear to Simi's send forth party later in the evening. Most of her clothes were work clothes and corporate dinner wears but thanks to the "Boyfriend", her wardrobe had improved a lot. She found several new party wears she had never really worn cos, Tunji just kept buying them. Whenever they went out and he saw something he felt would look good on her, he would buy it so most of the time, she would suggest they stayed indoors or go for dinner where there wasn't a nearby mall.

Her shoe rack was another space that had been greatly affected by Tunji's Midas touch. To go with the clothes, he had also bought her some fancy shoes and she loved that they weren't work shoes. He had gotten her a pair of Christian Louboutine's brownish nude Iriza heels, Jimmy Choo's black ankle strap heels, a Schutz Kitty pearl stiletto heel that had a fancy fringe dangling from one of the straps and a Victoria Secret's perfect pumps in blush. She removed a bag from one of the drawers in her wardrobe and smiled. She had invested in a new hair wig. She loved the 24 inches wavy one she had seen at one of those expensive shops Tunji had taken her to shop for clothes and she had gone back on her own to buy it. She had gotten it for a hundred and fifty thousand Naira and had been waiting for a day to rock it.

Tunji loved her natural hair which was long, rich in texture and black. He would always say that her hair had flesh and blood. So, because of him, she had given more attention to her natural hair because, whenever they were together, he would run his fingers through her hair and would sniff the sweet oil she applied regularly to her scalp. So today, she would rock her human hair because, Tunji wouldn't be around and she was curious to see how she would look with something that expensive gracing her head. She looked through her jewelry case and noticed that, save for the jewelries Tunji had gifted her, she didn't even have a collection of her own she could boast of. What a life of luxury Tunji had introduced her to; she wondered to herself. With that thought running through her head, she slumped on the bed to rest her aching back. A short nap would do her a lot of good.


At exactly 7pm, Mila woke up from her long nap and immediately dashed into the bathroom. The party was to start by 8 and she was supposed to be there at least thirty minutes earlier to assist Simi with whatever was left of the arrangements. She showered and brought out her makeup box. Today, she was going to glam up and have fun. She took extra care with her makeup by  creating a cut crease, light smoky eye look, with a bit of golden glitters on her lids. Then she used her favorite lip stick; a peachy nude with a bit of gloss smeared on it to perfect her glow. Satisfied with her face, she immediately requested for a cab online before going ahead to wear on the dress she finally selected. It was a sleeveless pearl coloured body con gown that settled a bit below her knees. It had slits on both sides that went from under her arm to her waist, enhancing her slight curves.

She sectioned her natural hair in two, weaved it all back and then wore her wig. She was shocked at her glamorous look as she adjusted the wig to a side parting on her head. It looked so natural and she loved it. Even Simi wouldn't recognize her. She wore one of the simple gold bracelets Tunji bought her on her left wrist, wore her gold studded  earrings, two plain knuckle rings on her right fingers and a simple gold choker that had a single extended chain that fell to her chest. Then she wore her Christian Louboutine's brownish nude Iriza heels because they were comfortable and classy. Finally, she wore on her Channel Coco Mademoiselle perfume, picked up her gold clutch purse and left at the beep of her phone that her ride had arrived.


COVA was bursting with activity already even by the 8: 30 pm when Mila arrived there. She started calling Simi to let her know that she had arrived and when Simi picked, it was so noisy, she couldn't really hear a thing. She had to send a text to Simi, asking her to come get her from outside the door. She loved the music that was playing now and couldn't help but move to it's rhythm and at that point, Simi opened the door and saw her. They both screamed in excitement at seeing each other. Simi looked as beautiful as ever in her black play suit that had a long slit at the back down to her waist line, revealing her smooth fair skin. She had on her luxurious weave as well and black strap up heels. She looked gorgeous but her attention was on Mila.

"Wow Mila, you look stunning! You look so different" she said in amazement

"Mila giggled excitedly ''Well, thank you! I'm also surprised I could pull this off"

"And to think that you've been hiding that gorgeous body beneath all those jeans and hard materials..." Simi continued, looking surprised. She just couldn't belief that Mila could look this hot.

Mila was laughing now and had to stop Simi from flooding her with compliments. She said,

"Okay Simi. It's your day. How about we go in there and pop all the drinks like we just don't care!"

They both screamed again in excitement and went into the crowded hall.


Drinks flowed, the music was cool and thrilling, the MC was giving shout outs to everyone that was either celebrating a birthday, a promotion or something else, their colleagues were having a good time, the Shisha pot never burnt out as it was continuously refilled, the "Asun" kept flowing in and the atmosphere was charged. She had danced with Simi for a while  but Simi was now with Leo and was giving him a lap dance at a corner of one of the seats. Mila had socialized with all of their colleagues that had come through for Simi, had turned down a lot of dance offers from the swarming guys that kept staring at her and she had to escape to the upper section of the area they were using for the party. There, she leaned against the rails of the roof top spot that looked out to the streets of Idowu Martins. She experimented with the Shisha and found that she loved the flavour. Then she continued taking intoxicating drags from the pipe.

Her eyes were closed and she was enjoying the moment. Then she opened her eyes gradually and then fully cos she had seen something that caught her interest.

First, she saw a beautiful woman. She looked white but she wasn't. She was a Nigerian that looked white. She looked so beautiful, with a flawless skin. She had on a straight blonde weave that looked like it were natural, a black chiffon shirt gown that stopped above her knees, revealing her perfect long legs and a natural makeup that looked like she wasn't wearing any makeup at all. She was obviously married as on her ring finger, she had on an expensive looking diamond ring that Mila could swear cost a fortune. She was slim like a model and tall; at least two inches taller than Mila.

Mila sighed with longing for Tunji as she noticed that the woman's spouse held her protectively while leading her to sit adjacent to Simi's party at a table with "RESERVED". She couldn't really see the spouse's face but it was obvious that they were deeply in love as he helped her to sit comfortably, bent down to kiss her fore head and then her lips before leaving again to probably order for their drinks. Mila kept staring at the woman. She looked too beautiful to be true and as if noticing that she was being watched, she looked up from her phone across the space at Mila and smiled like she was used to the attention. Mila smiled back and waved.

She was about turning to her shisha pot again when she saw the woman's spouse returning. At first, she couldn't see his face because of the precarious disco lights turning here and there in the room. But when he finally settled into his seat, he sat facing Mila but unlike his wife, he didn't seem to notice Mila staring. He had taken her hand in his and brushed her knuckle with a kiss. He also had on a wedding ring that looked pretty expensive too. Then their drinks arrived and as he poured it into their glasses, he conversed with his wife.

Mila had a feeling they were talking about her because, the man kept stealing glances in her direction but neither could see each other. Then finally, the white part of the disco light fell on their corner and everyone could see everyone's face. It was like a moment of revelation as at that point, Mila saw squarely that, the said spouse was Tunji, her own Tunji Jacobs. She was so shocked that she dropped the shisha pipe she was holding together with her glass of drink. Apparently, Tunji had seen her as well and had spilled the drink he was holding on his white shirt.


Mila didn't know how she had gotten home but when she woke up on Monday afternoon, she took some sleeping pills. She wasn't ready to wake up just yet. Maybe if she slept more, she would wake up back to the evening she had first approached Tunji. She probably wouldn't have bothered being a hero then. She probably wouldn't have even met him. She probably wouldn't be facing another day of trying to figure out what Tunji, who was supposed to be in the US  since Thursday, was doing with another woman; HIS WIFE! at COVA yesterday.

For now, sleep is just the best therapy.

Saturday 4 November 2017


The second week of December started on a good note.The ACE Group had a lot to celebrate. They had finished all their projects for the year and Mr. Duke's mood was infectious. Usually, they closed for the year few days before Christmas because of the workload but this particular year turned out to be one of the best out of their 10 years of existence cos the annual target had been met and all that was left was for the staff to clear their desks and attend just two meetings to discuss the company's achievement as well as the expectations from the different departments for the next year. Most people were familiar with this protocol and so didn't see it as anything that'll be tedious. What everyone was really looking forward to was the bonus package. They would receive double their salary, dinner with management in a five star hotel to celebrate their achievements, as well as exchange of gifts among themselves and of course, a Christmas party.

Mila was happier cos this would be her first time experiencing all these with the company and to crown it up, she would have a partner to bring along to all the celebrations and for the first time, she won't be celebrating Christmas without a boyfriend. She sighed with contentment as she was clearing her desk and taking records of all the tasks she had completed for the year. 

Simi on the other hand had completed her 6 months internship and had been offered a job at the company but, she had refused to stay because, according to her, she wold travel to the UK to visit her Mom and her siblings and then pursue her dreams of becoming a CEO in whatever business venture that caught her interest. However, the company had given her a send forth party but she had planed another major one for herself at COVA. It was to happen that Sunday and the cards were out already. She strolled over to Mila in her usual seductive way of walking and Mila couldn't help but smile when she noticed Simi. She had to voice out her thoughts.

"If there's one thing I'm going to miss in this office about you Simi, it's the way you've turned this office into your personal run way. Girl, you really know how to work it!"

Simi giggled and then replied "honestly Mila, I'll miss the stares and the attention. But, I know I'll get more in the UK."

Mila laughed and shook her head fondly "you sure will"

"So Madam, do me a favour, please don't get too carried away with your lover man this weekend and then forget to attend my send forth party. I'll sue him if that happens" Simi said with a mock serious face

Mila flushed a bit and then hurriedly replied "Oh no! that won't happen. In fact, we'll come together." on seeing the frown on Simi's face, she added, "I promise"

"Nice!" Simi said excitedly before excusing herself to go talk to the other staff as that would be her last day in the office.

Mila decided to call Tunji and give him a heads up about Sunday as it was Wednesday already. She dialed his number but it was busy. She dialed for the second time but it still showed busy. So she decided to wait for him to return the call. He was probably busy as usual.


Mila was home already from work and was continuing her novel, "Pillars of the Earth" by Ken Follett. She had neglected the novel since she reunited with Tunji cos they were together most of her spare time. It was about 9 pm when her phone started ringing and she smiled at the caller ID that showed "Mine". She had changed Tunji's name to "Mine" while he called her "Sunshine". She picked up.

"Hello Sunshine!" Tunji's rich baritone boomed from the other end

"Hey Mine!" Mila giggled 

"I'm sorry I didn't take your calls. I had an emergency board meeting that went on for hours. How are you?"

"I'm alright Tee. Hope it's nothing serious?" 

"Well, not really. It's just... Are you home already?"

"Yes. Is everything alright Tee?" curiosity was eating up Mila  already

"Yes absolutely. I just want to see you" 

"That's not how you sound when you want to see me Tee. What's going on?" Mila sounded serious now and Tunji knew she wouldn't let it slide except he told her the truth so he gave in.

"Alright Sunshine. The thing is, I'll be travelling tomorrow morning but I'll be back before the new year. I just need to fix up some things in the states before the year runs out."

Mila wasn't happy about this but she had to accept it cos, he had to take care of things as the man that he is didn't he? She sighed and said;

"Okay. Just come around instead"

Tunji sighed with relief "Alright Sunshine, I'll be there in a bit" then he hung up.


When Tunji arrived, Mila opened the gate to the compound for him to drive in. He parked and got out of the car to hug her. She looked fragile in her one piece white nightie and her flip flops. Tunji held her head to his chest while his other hand went around her. Mila inhaled the sweet sent of his white shirt. He rarely wore suits but when he did, he had this air of the serious, no smiling CEO. But she liked him that way too.

They hadn't seen the previous weekend cos he had been busy but they had had dinner on Sunday and had been communicating as usual but Mila felt empty all of a sudden. She had hoped to spend Christmas with him and now, he was travelling. This really wasn't  nice to hear at all.

Tunji as if hearing her thoughts held her away from him to look at her before saying;

"I'm really sorry Sunshine, this one's beyond me at the moment. I'll be back before the New Year, I promise"

"And I was thinking of flaunting you at Simi's send forth party on Sunday, my company's dinner next week Wednesday and then the Christmas party on Friday. Now, I'll be single for another two or three weeks" she complained sulkily

Tunji laughed at the baby face she had made and then drew her back to him. Then he led her back to the car and opened the door for her to sit before going around to sit on the driver's seat. He leaned in closer to her and inhaled the  scent of her hair before saying;

"Now I feel bad. So many events for my little miss sunshine and I'll be missing all of it. I don't even want to think about the many greedy sharks that will be looking at you there in my absence. I'll make it up to you Mila"

"How?" she asked solemnly

"Don't worry. I'll surprise you" he said with his mouth already on one of her ears. 

He nibbled on the lobe and then trailed the outline to the her neck with his tongue as his hands went up to her already alert nipples. Mila was weak. They hadn't made love again since after the first time she went to his house. Tunji wasn't a sex freak but he loved teasing her like this every now and then, lighting up her desires and then quenching them quickly again. This time, she wouldn't let him do that to her again. 

She turned to face him and kissed him weakly at first, and then, deeply as if trying to store  up as much of him in her as she could, for Christmas. She allowed her fingers to move around his face, tracing his fine features,  his low cut wavy hair, his chest and then she whispered, with her voice thick with passion, 

"I want you Tee. Right here"

Tunji was surprised despite his incoherent thoughts "Are you sure?" he asked 

"yes, please..." Mila answered.

Gently, he detached himself from her and turned on the CD player. Then, Ed Sheeran's voice slowly seeped out of the stereo as he sang UNI from a selected songs collection. Tunji turned off the lights in the car and was surprised when he felt Mila's hand on his crotch. She unzipped his fly and looking at him through the darkness of the car, she she brought one, two then three of her fingers to her tongue, licked them erotically and then slowly laid one on the cap of his hardened maleness. She circled the tip and the surrounding flesh with light touches, still looking at Tunji to see his reaction. Tunji had leaned back with his mouth half opened, enjoying the maddening sensation that was building up in his system.
Mila continued teasing him as she gently and lightly massaged the sides of his maleness and would go back to circle and rub the cap. Then she shocked Tunji by taking him in her mouth. He was huge but she loved the thickness of him so, using her tongue, she pleasured him the way he had pleasured her. She drank from the little spurts he released to her thirsty mouth and with his grans spurring her on, she released him, stood up and sat on top of him, with her back facing him. She didn't want him to cum just yet.

She raised up her nightie and felt his hands on her breasts; fondling and caressing her hardened nipples. His lips were working their magic on the nape of her neck, throwing Mila into a frenzy. Moving her undergarment aside, she paved way for Tunji's eager maleness. They both paused for a second as each felt the other's territory opening to welcome a much missed friend.  

Mila was lost in the throes of passion as this was a first for her. Tunji was shocked at this other side of Mila. He was used to the reserved Mila who was an epitome of everything innocent. This wasn't innocence taking control of his senses and riding him erotically at all. This was a woman that had needs, cravings and yearnings that needed to be satisfied and he loved this part of her he was just discovering. He loved that her moans were driving him wild. He loved that she was past the point of caring if her parents would find them out. He loved that she was in control and truly exercising her powers over his body.

So he let her be in charge, doing her bidding, holding her where she led his hands, touching her where she whispered and kissing her when she turned to look at him. Mila held on tight to the steering wheel. She could feel the rush like an urgent pee, scurrying and spreading all over her. She held on, trying not to lose her balance from the explosion that was coming. She jerked as she felt Tunji jerking as well then they both found their release. They held on to each other for a while to catch their breath then at that point, Ed Sheeran's voice died down on his "Kiss Me" track that had been playing then.

Tunji turned on the dim light of the car and looked at Mila in awe, then he said

"What came over you? You just took advantage of me and I totally loved it." they both laughed lightly, then too tired to talk more, Tunji held Mila closer to him. They stayed that way for a bit; enjoying their even breathing  then, he whispered into her ears;

"I'll miss you Mila, but I'll be back before you know it"

She felt the tears sting her eyes and when one fell on her cheek, she answered

"I'll wait for you"

Wednesday 1 November 2017


The moment Mila walked into the office that Monday morning, Simi was waiting for her with an expression of "spill the bean". Mila saw it and tried keeping a serious face but Simi saw through her pretense and dramatically drew out Mila's seat from under her desk for her to sit before rushing to pull her own seat. She sat looking at Mila expectantly while Mila pretended to be busy with turning on her system and checking her itinerary for the day. Simi couldn't take it anymore and disrupted Mila's obvious reverie.

"Alright! That's it! start talking Mila. Who was that that dropped you off just now?"

"What are you talking about?" Mila asked trying to feign ignorance

"oh no! don't do that. You just came to work this morning in a white range rover sports car, looking like a celeb,  with the driver acting all gentlemanly by opening the door for you and helping you out. Which Nigerian man even does that in this day and age?! And look at you. You're glowing!"

"Was that a range rover sports car? I didn't know that and how did you see me?" Mila said shaking with laughter already at the funny look Simi had on her face 

"Through the window of course" Simi answered laughing

"Wow! today of all days, Simi is punctual" Mila rolled her eyes then she said to Simi before standing up,

"Let's hurry to the cafeteria"

Simi immediately followed suit. They still had about fifteen minutes to gossip before the usual 9 am resumption time. They bought a mug of coffee each and sat down. Then to Simi's dismay, Mila took a sip of the hot drink, swallowed and then started.

"Do you remember Leo's friend from Zenbah?"

"yes. The one you got Leo's number from. I remember him. Don't tell me that's Tunji" Simi looked at Mila in awe

Mila nodded and answered "Yes that's him. I spent the weekend with him and he spoilt me silly."

"You biatch!" Simi shouted playfully "You literally spent the weekend at one of those fancy mansions on Banana Island with one of Lagos's most uptight but sought after bobo! Mila you've scored high." Simi was smiling triuphantly

Mila was amazed "You mean, that was Banana Island?" she asked 

"Yes of course. Didn't you know?"Simi was looking at her with a frown on her pretty face

"Not at all. I didn't even bother asking. By the way, how come you know all these and I don't?" Mila was sipping her coffee again

"Well, Leo and I have hooked up several times after I got his number again, thanks to you and I noticed Tunji's absence so I asked and he told me Tunji traveled. I asked him how come they always hung out together and he told me that they were best friends who lived close. Leo lives at Ikoyi too but not Banana Island." Simi drank her coffee as well and leaned in for more gist.

Mila nodded in understanding and continued. 

"That's cool" she paused then added "Oh Simi, I think I really really like Tunji. He's revived a part of me I thought I had lost forever"

"Isn't that a good thing? I'm really happy for you Mila. I mean, you should see yourself this morning, you look like you swallowed the sun. You look refreshed."

Mila smiled at that but said worriedly, "Thanks Simi. I really needed the rest but deep down, I just feel like something's off. Would you believe that all through the period Tunji traveled, he never contacted me. Not even once" 

she stopped talking to see Simi's reaction but Simi simply looked at her with a blank expression on her face and said,

"Mila, do you really like this guy?" Mila nodded then she continued, "Then you should be happy he came back to you and banged you real good till you had no choice but to glow. Cheers to the freaky weekend babe!"

They both burst into laughter at this and together, went back to the office. Monday turned out to be a  great day as Mila was lost in both her job and the memories of that weekend. Tunji made it sweeter by sending her two different messages at different times. The first was that he missed her and that made her wet her panties as those simple words turned out to be the magic words her body had been waiting for. The second message was that he would love to come take her out for dinner after work and she gladly accepted.


For the whole of  November  amd the first week of December, Mila and Tunji's affection for each other blossomed into a beautiful relationship that was made up of mutual understanding, respect and of course, lots of attention. Mila eventually got to understand that Tunji really, was a private person. He said little about his background and Mila never bothered him about it. He worked hard even when he had over two hundred employees to do the job. He also spoilt her with numerous surprises and every weekend, he brought her over to spend the weekend. Mila was happy and at peace with herself and the world. Whenever she looked into her mirror, she saw a new Mila looking fresher, unstressed, healthier, and happier.

On one occasion, she had dreamt that Nathan and her were going on a love stroll around the vicinity of his house and then, Kumbi had appeared from nowhere with his son in her hands beckoning to Nathan to come to her. Mila had held on tight to Nathan's hand but she was surprised when Nathan started walking towards Kumbi. She had tried pulling him back but he had struggled free of her grasp to meet Kumbi and they walked away leaving Mila standing there with tears streaming down her face. Nathan had turned back to look at her before they entered the house and the face she had seen wasn't Nathan's anymore but Tunji's. She had screamed in shock. That was when she had woken up. 

She prayed about the dream for the next two days against any impending evil waiting to destroy her relationship with Tunji. She even told her mom who had grown fond of Tunji about the dream and they had prayed together again. All will be well she assured herself but she wasn't so sure even as she tried believing it.

Saturday 14 October 2017


Mila was amazed at the numbers and brands of cars she saw all lined up from the beginning of Akin Adesola street to the spot they finally parked. She saw a red Ferrari parked discreetly at a corner, there was also a wine colored Porsche car parked neatly somewhere. Although, she didn't know what model it was, but she could see the name "Porsche"" clearly written on it's sleek behind. Another thing that shocked her the most was the fact that, there were so many G-Wagon cars parked neatly and arranged as if set for a convoy. And then, varieties of car brands that she had no knowledge of but they looked so new and expensive and black like all the owners had planned a show of black sophistication that evening. 

She got out of the car and stood looking across the road to see more cars and a simple gate with beautiful details and at least four mean looking "bouncers" inspecting people before they were allowed access into the place.

"What is this place?" she thought out loud

Simi who was adjusting her skirt and her hair  as well as surveying the entire environment answered with a satisfied smile and nod of of approval.

"This my friend, is ZENBAH the hub of all the freshest and wealthiest professionals in Lagos" 

"Professionals?" Mila couldn't believe it. How could Professionals pull off this show of wealth and sophistication all in one night?

"I tell you dear. We might even run into Mr. Duke here"

Mila was taken aback "Oh no! What would he think?"

"Haba? Can't somebody have fun again? Abeg come, let's go in and please, walk with class else, they'll think you're cheap"

Mila didn't understand what that meant so she asked "And why should I try so hard to not look cheap?"

"Wait until you see the class of girls we'll meet inside and by the way, they only allow babes with tush dudes access but don't worry, I've got you covered"

They were allowed in after Simi had had a brief chat with the "bouncers" and true to her words , ZENBAH wasn't a baby's playroom. The energy in the room was thick with smoke from the shisha smokers, cool foreign hip hop music, coded dance moves that looked like nobody was dancing while in fact they were, light conversations that sent people's heads rolling back with heavy laughter, the bright red and nude lipsticks gracing the perfectly shaped lips of the ladies Snap Chatting and the rich scent of the perfumes that oozed from the sharply tailored suits hugging and revealing the tight muscles ( some of the men looked soft though) of the men they walked past. Everyone looked so sophisticated and they looked like they had come directly from the office to breathe even if it meant breathing in the thick aroma clouding the atmosphere from the shisha pots.  Most people knew most people. It was a small community of friends, associates and believers of  "all work and no play, makes me a dullard". 

Simi was in her elements. She had hugged and greeted five people already and each time, she introduced Mila who smiled politely but couldn't pretend to be as excited as she was still too dazed by the entire scene of glamour displayed before her eyes. They found their way to a table without chairs but with three men; one being Simi's date as she put it and so they had to stand whilst exchanging pleasantries. Simi and Chris, her date excused themselves to go get their drinks while Mila stood, feeding her eyes and wondering if she was going to die standing in her heels that evening. She tried engaging in the conversation ongoing between the other men about football. God knows she hated that sport with a passion so she feigned interest and smiled when she should but she couldn't help moving her head to the familiar sound of Ja Rule and Ashanti's "Always on Time".  She loved that song.

Simi and Chris returned with their drinks in what looked like an  angry Zuma beer mug but  the details of the sculpting perfectly enhanced the features of the Zuma monster on the mug making it's tightly shut eyes and clenched fists look so cute. They cheered to the evening and Mila lifted the mug and took a long swing of the drink for she had become thirsty. It sent sparks down her spine and she had to close her eyes to savor the bitter sweet taste. 

"You like?" Simi who had been watching her all along to see her reaction asked

"Yeah! this is really good!" Mila exclaimed "It's like rockets shooting through my veins" she continued feeling excited all of a sudden

"I knew you'd like it" Simi responded with the same fervor.

They were both now swaying to the music and taking turns to sing each line like it was karaoke then Simi suddenly stopped and was staring at someone on the other side of the room. Mila couldn't see who it was but she could tell from the way the person stood that it was a man. She looked back at Simi and asked,

"Someone you know?"

"Yeah. I've been looking for that dude's contact like forever after I misplaced my old phone and now, there he is with his friends and here I am and I can't seem to go get it"  she finished and turned away from staring.  

Mila took a closer look at the person she was refering to and realized that the dude was really a fine man wearing transparent glasses. 

"But why can't you go and get it?" Mila asked looking puzzled

"Well, Chris will be pissed cos he actually invited me here and I wouldn't want to seem ungrateful" she replied trying to keep her voice low above the loud music.

"What's his name" Mila asked

"Leo" Simi answered and then turned her attention back to Chris who was now beside her to dance.

Mila thought of what could possibly happen if she tried being the hero of the evening to rescue Simi from her plight and decided that nothing could go wrong. She scanned the area where the said gentleman was with his friends and and noticed that he had left but there was a lady and another man there. Then she shocked herself by walking up to them. She didn't know why but she was shivering as she moved. She felt self conscious about what she was wearing and tried walking more gracefully in her Lemon colored chiffon shirt dress that stopped just above her knees. Even if the dress was buttoned up to her neck like a bishop's collar, she still felt cold and tried to walk straight in her black heels.

She got to the spot and gently tapped Leo's friend on shoulder saying "Excuse me''

He turned around and looked at her with a slight frown of curiosity on his forehead, waiting for her to talk. Mila on the other hand couldn't talk. She stood there looking and almost forgetting her reason for calling his attention.

"Yes?" He asked politely with a glass of Hennessy drink in his well manicured hand

Mila wasn't talking. She was looking at something else. Something else that really did subtly call for her attention and she gladly gave it all the attention it was beguiling her to give.

Wednesday 11 October 2017


Simi was a free spirited soul. She was the typical example of one who lived in the moment and cared less about what happened the next minute. She had the perfect figure for a body, with everything in the right proportion and the knowledge of her physical endowment added to the aura with which she walked. She had this feline way of walking as if calculating a next move known only to her. To Mila, Simi had been schooled in the art of seduction right from her mother's womb. To crown it up, it was difficult to get angry with her for everyone easily fell under the spell of her charm which she used skillfully to have her way around the office. Mila was sure that, that same charm was responsible for her getting away with her consistent lateness to work.

Mila rolled her eyes when she felt Simi's hug  from behind. Her cubicle looked out to the restless street of  Ozumba Mbadiwe thus, through the glass window, she could see Simi in a peach colored pencil skirt that did little to conceal her curves and a white chiffon top, looking beautiful and fair with her expensive Indian hair sitting pretty on her head. Simi flashed her a smile that melted her heart immediately and sent the morning's pressure scurrying away into hiding. She smiled back and turned to face Simi.

"You're late again as usual"

"yeah yeah, I know" Simi replied non chalantly

"But how could you not care at all? I mean, you could end up not being retained you know"

Mila was exasperated already. This had become a routine conversation to kick start their day since the past 2 months.

"Well, who says I need a job? All I need is just a few months of experience and then, I'll become my own boss. My dad has given up on trying to persuade me on that already so don't even ask" Simi replied and settled into her own cubicle which was positioned next to Mila's and then brought out her Iphone 8 to make a few SnapChat videos first before starting work on the third script.

Mila pinched herself for always forgetting that Simi had taken time to explain her background to her. Her dad was the famous Chief Coker who had struck gold in oil business. He had sent all his children abroad but Simi who loved the thrills and glamour of Lagos had refused to go. Her dream was to become her own boss immediately after her 6 months internship with the ACE Group. So, as a 23 year old graduate of Media & Communications from the the University of  Leeds, she had sworn to take over the Lagos scene and then the world with her skill in persuasive writing  "whatever that meant" Mila chuckled.

Simi was lucky, Mila thought. She could afford to dream big and actualize them because of her dad but she on the other hand had to work extra hard cos, her dad wasn't in Chief Coker's class. In fact, she paid her dad's bills in addition to hers. Well, at least, I'm coping Mila consoled herself as she returned to her work.


Time had been on a marathon as it was already 5: oo pm that Thursday. Mila stood up and stretched with gratitude. What a day. She had ended up writing a total of 5 scripts needed for the day while Simi had continuously taken trips to the restroom, the staff lounge, and the cafeteria. There, she would take enough pictures and make enough Snaps till she was satisfied. Mila wasn't bothered for she had had a good lunch as Mr. Duke had promised.

She arranged her disarrayed desk, picked up her hand bag, bade farewell to her colleagues and left for home. She was intercepted by Simi whom she thought had left earlier.

"What's your plan for tonight?" Simi asked

"Plan?" Mila wondered aloud

"Yeah! plan like hang out, hook up, chill out, chillax... you know..." Simi listed, smiling  mischievously

"Oh! Those kinda things. " Mila got the gist and laughed cos Simi's look was infectious. She continued "I plan on getting home as soon as Lagos traffic would allow  so that I can rest my aching bones. Sounds like a great plan hey?"

Simi faked a yawn and said "Boring" and they both laughed.

"Alright look Mila, I'm taking you out to buy you drinks just as a way of saying thank you for doing my work all the time"

"But I'm not complaining Simi"

"I know Mila." she whined prettily and then added "you've always refused my offer to buy you a drink. Just this once okay? Pweeeeze" she made puppy eyes and Mila agreed.

"Gosh! you're a sore pain in my black behind Simisolaoluwa"

"You sound like my Mom just now Mila"

They both burst into laughter again and left the building together. Of course, Simi had a car she used so they drove out. Mila had no idea where they were going so she had to ask while checking her makeup in the side mirror.

"So, where are we going?

"You'll see. Trust me on this one. Lagos is my bae"

Monday 9 October 2017

BURNT (Episode 1)

Her fingers worked with a frenzy on the keyboard. She was desperate to beat the dead line of 10 am and it was already 9:45 am. Her boss will skin her alive if the script wasn’t ready by that time. The intern that was assigned to her had not even resumed to commence work on the second script. “What a morning!” she thought. She typed in more words, added a few more lines, adjusted her glasses and then added the final full stop and that was it. She was done. She quickly printed out the 5 pages of the script and hurriedly left her cubicle to her boss’s office.

Mr. Duke quickly scanned through the papers with a speed that always left her stunned cos at the end of every scan he did, he never missed out on any error. He nodded his head in satisfaction indicating that she was free to leave. She was almost at the door of the spacious office when he called her back;

She turned around waiting for his scolding to come in their usual bouts but instead, she was surprised at what came next.

“This is one hell of a script you wrote. I’m impressed. Lunch’s on me”

That said, he turned around to face the beautiful lake side view outside his window. Mila couldn’t conceal her smile that almost made her dance for joy. Anyone who knew Mr. Duke would know that he was never generous with compliments.  He was a tough boss to please.  As she walked back to her cubicle which was in the third open spaced office, she took the moment to reflect on her journey to this point of working for one of Nigeria’s largest and most successful advertising agency.

Mila had been a freelance writer with her focus mainly on reviews. She had started as a result of not being able to secure a job after a year of graduating from college. At first, it had started as her passion but later on, she had gotten serious with it as she realized that her writing had started drawing the attention of the right audience. Her breakthrough came when she was contacted by Mr. Duke himself for a chat. She had been skeptical about the identity of the caller.

Mr. Duke was the CEO of the ACE Group. She knew of the company and had fantasized about writing a script for one of their adverts on countless occasions.  The company was situated at Victoria Island in Lagos Nigeria thus whenever she found herself on the Island, she would deliberately ask the Taxi driver to take the route where the company  was situated so that she could feed her eyes with the magnificence of the building  and also inhale the intoxicating richness of the environment.

Mila had gone for the “Chat’’ which turned out to be an interview. She passed the test as it really was a test. Mr. Duke, coupled with 3 other members of his management team had asked her so many questions which required her to provide just one answer to each and though, she couldn’t recall what her answers had been, she passed. They had shared a glass of wine to welcome her to join the company and each had expressed admiration for her reviews.

That was 6 months ago. Now, she had come to realize that it wasn’t an easy feat working in such a high paced environment. Though, the pay was more than enough for her 25 year old self to go by as well as pay her bills, she found herself working beyond the regular 9-5 hours.

She got to her cubicle, sat on her seat, rested her throbbing head in her palms for a bit and then set to work on the next script. She was mid way typing when she heard the familiar giggle of the intern, Simi.

“Oh hell!” Mila cursed softly under her breath.

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