Never judge a book by it's cover.
True value is not material; it goes way beyond the physical. It comes with experience garnered.

Friday 22 December 2017



I woke up really early today. Feeling motivated from the idea I thought up last night, I did my facials ritual of course and went for a jog just to and fro the estate. Thought I should try it today and see if I can cope, it worked and I came back home feeling refreshed. I went straight to the bathroom, pampered my skin as deserved, threw on my black one strapped sandal that had some tiny crystal embellishments, a nude cropped top over a black leggings and a black kimono. I usually don't wear a lot of makeup cos I love my skin to breathe so I used my lip balm, applied more facial oil on my face to keep it glowing before going to the kids room. Tinu usually sleeps in Mom's room cos Mom likes the companionship. Me? No way. I'll pass.

The house is just a three bedroom self contain apartment I rented for Mom after Dad died and ever since, she has refused to move. She loves the neighborhood and thus feels there's no need to continue moving at the age of fifty . So three years ago, I bought the house from the owner for her. At least, she should have property.

You see, Dad wasn't wealthy in any way. Okay, maybe in his looks. He was a broke man, always sick, always in debt and never able to pay. Mom was always the one bailing him out and paying for his medical bills with the proceeds from her numerous petty trades. How did Tinu and I get some education? Well, Mom was able to sponsor us to Secondary level and me she was able to see through University. But by the time I was in my final year, I knew I wanted more from life so, I started the hustle. A hustle which I would rather never think about, ever. But it got me my Masters degree and several other professional qualifications and it also got Tinu through University. Tinu wasn't one to break her head over ambition so she fell in love and got married in her final year to Darey. Luckily for her, Darey loves her being a full time house wife and he pays the bills without stress.

As for me, I would rather be beautiful, healthy, wealthy, never broke, ever, and unmarried. Of course male companionship isn't over ruled but, I love my space and my sanity. All of these keeps me sane. Makes me the controller of my destiny and the captain of the ship that carries my life cos I can go to sleep at night with the satisfaction that I've got everything under control. I wish I could say that for the dramas that keeps popping in my family though.

When I say "family", I'm not just talking about Mom and Tinu. Wait and you'll meet them soon.


I woke up the kids, helped them to shower and dressed them up. Then silently, we left the house. I took them for a drive around the estate to get them in the mood for fun then I took them to the Apapa Amusement Park. They were wild with excitement, especially Tj. We spent two hours there and I was already exhausted. Seriously people, this is why I never want to have kids! It's a full time job! And the little elves just kept running around with me closely following behind. Jeez! I need a break!



I walk into the living room to meet chaos. The kids were behind me chattering excitedly while enjoying their ice cream which was dripping down their elbows. I looked away from them to focus on what was before me. Tinu was on the floor wailing, Mom was beside her obviously tired of trying to console her, Mama Ireti was sitting on the couch close by and saying so many things at once, Bayo had his hands on his head close to the kitchen door while Darey was at the far end of the room making a phone call. My heart skipped three beats not at the sight of Mom and Tinu on the floor but at the sight of Darey. Tinu saw me and started screaming,

"Where are my kids Sister Lola?! What did you do?!"
I was confused so I asked "I don't understand. What's going on here?"

At that point, she saw her kids and precariously stood up to rush to them. She drew them into a tight hug before asking them to go to their room then she turned and faced me.

"Where did you take them Sister Lola? You hate kids so where did this love pop up from all of a sudden?"

I felt guilty instantly cos she was right so I tried explaining myself as calmly as I could cos my nerves were stretched beyond limit already.

"Look, calm down Tinu. I only took them for some fun at the Amusement Park. No big deal"
"No! it's a big deal when you disappear so early with them without telling me their mother!" she shouted
I was exasperated already and so I lashed back at her "And why is that so? For God's sake they're my family too!"
"Yeah right! Tell that to the Pope. You call them family and you never allow them come close. You don't even allow them visit you cos according to you, they'll mess up the whole place. And look at how you reacted to Tj yesterday! They disgust you!"

At that, Mom stood up and said quietly, "O ti to Tinu. Don't talk to your sister like that. Hush! It's okay"

Mama Ireti was shaking her head with her arms folded in front of her then she muttered "Hian!" so everyone could hear and notice that she was there. The old witch! Now she's got more gist to store up in her well of gossip.

I felt angry, torn and weak at the same time. She was right but is it my fault that I like my space?

"You know what Tinu, you're just frustrated" I said

I turned to leave but from the side of my eye, I could see Darey looking at me with Pity. That got me mad so I stormed out of the house and banged the door as loudly as I could.


I was driving into the compound then my headlights fell on someone. It wasn't Bayo who would usually wait up to lock the gate. I was late and I knew it but I didn't care. The outing had done me a lot of good. It had helped me reset my mind and regain my sanity. I'm not pissed anymore, I'm happy, happy that I've got what I have and I'm not lacking. Tinu's just frustrated and I understand that. Who can blame her, she's a house wife with no ambition so I can understand her frustration at her inadequacies.

I got out of the car and was walking into the house then I heard him call my name. It was Darey. I stopped and mustered all the will power I had to look at him. He hadn't changed. He still looked like the Darey that had come to ask for Tiinu's hand in marriage eight years ago.

He smiled and said, "How are you Lola?"
"I'm doing great Darey. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to quickly go check my mail"
He looked disappointed but tried again, "Alright. About today, I'm sorry. Tinu shouldn't have said those things to you."
"Yeah. I'm fine now. Don't worry about me. But thanks anyways" I walked away.


I lay on my bed, scrolling through my phone. Today has been quite eventful but I survived. Whew! What a day! Jeff didn't call today and I'm glad he didn't. But somehow, I miss his intrusive calls and somehow, I need one of those right now but I won't call him. I'm alright. Let's hope for a more peaceful tomorrow shall we?

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